
Positive and negative question tags Positive and negative question tags

Peter , Sue and Bob are football fans. They’re talking about the World Cup. Complete their conversation by putting in the question tags. P...

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Short additions to statements Short additions to statements

  Look at the notes about three cars in the table below. First, write eight sentences (1-8) giving information about the cars. Use but in ...

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So and not after a verb So and not after a verb

  Paul and Diane are going to Tony ’s party. Complete their conversation using the verbs in brackets. Do not put a whole clause after the ...

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Leaving out words Leaving out words

  A British r eporter is at the Olympic Games. Look at her notes and combine each pair of sentences into one. Use and or but and leave some...

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Replacing words and leaving out words Replacing words and leaving out words

  Milena and Ahmed are students. They’re going to take an English exam soon. Their English is correct, but they could improve it by replac...

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The passive: simple present tense The passive: simple present tense

  These pictures show what happens when you post a letter. Write a sentence for each picture using the passive voice. Example A letter i...

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The passive: simple past tense The passive: simple past tense

  Complete this short article about the ship 'Mary Rose’. Put the verb into the correct simple past form. Some verbs are active, and som...

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by + agent. by + agent.

  Answer the quiz questions using the passive and by + agent. Example Who invented radio? Bell, Edison or Marconi? It was invented b...

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The passive: present perfect tense The passive: present perfect tense

  Write the newspaper headlines as sentences using the present perfect. Some sentences are active and some are passive. Examples COST OF...

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The passive: present continuous tense The passive: present continuous tense

  A dead body has been found,- and the police havé arrived on the scené. Say what is happening. Use the passive form of the present continuo...

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The passive: will and other modal verbs The passive: will and other modal verbs

  Electrobrit is a company that makes washing machines. At the moment it isn’t selling enough machines. The Directors are having a meeting t...

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The passive The passive

 Below is a short article about computers. Put the verbs in brackets into the passive voice. Choose the correct tense, or use the modal verb...

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The passive: direct and indirect objects The passive: direct and indirect objects

  The sentences below are from an article about the money paid to famous sports people. Rewrite each sentence beginning with the phrase in b...

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have something done; emphatic pronouns have something done; emphatic pronouns

  Mark and Jane are going to buy a house. It’s quite cheap, but it isn’t in very good condition, so they’ve had a report made on it. In th...

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if-clause type 1 if-clause type 1

  Charlotte works for an advertising company. She’s made some notes about different products. Write sentences with if + the simple present ...

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if-clause type 2 if-clause type 2

  Amanda is a secretary. She’s grumbling about her new job and her boss. Match each sentence in the first box with one in the second. Rewrit...

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if-clauses types 1 and 2 if-clauses types 1 and 2

  Hilary Lester works for an organization called Food for the Third World. She's talking on television about the situation in Omagua. P...

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if-clause type 3 if-clause type 3

  Below is the story of what happened when four people went on a long walk last week. Read the story and rewrite the underlined parts using ...

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if-clauses types 1 -3 if-clauses types 1 -3

  David, Lynn, Angela and Martin live in a town on a busy main road. They're talking about a plan to build a by-pass round the town. ...

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if + the simple present tense + the simple present tense if + the simple present tense + the simple present tense

  There are some ‘laws of life’ hidden in this table. For each sentence on the left, there is one on the right that follows on from it. Find...

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Reporting in the present tense Reporting in the present tense

  Find out what the horoscope opposite says about the people in the list below. Examples Helen (18th November) It says she is having a...

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Reporting in the past tense Reporting in the past tense

  Stanley Arnold, the multi-millionaire businessman and head of Arnold Motors, has just died. He wasn’t a very popular man. Below are some e...

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