

Electrobrit is a company that makes washing machines. At the moment it isn’t selling enough machines. The Directors are having a meeting to discuss the problem. Write down their words as they might be reported in a written summary of the meeting. Use the passive.


‘We all know we can expect a difficult time, of course.’ A difficult time can be expected.

1   ‘We have to reduce costs, you know.’

2   ‘Of course we must keep the factory open.’

3   ‘We all agree then that we must take action.'

4   ‘We should warn the staff, of course.’

5   ‘We ought to make things clear to them.’

6   ‘Everyone agrees then that the company will employ no more new staff.’

7   ‘We all know we can’t allow the situation to continue.’

8   ‘We’ll hold the next meeting on May 8th, then.’


Discuss with other members of your class what you think should be done about the problem of heavy traffic in towns. The following points can be included in your discussion.


   public transport

   air pollution

   the future of oil as a fuel


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