
Peter, Sue and Bob are football fans. They’re talking about the World Cup. Complete their conversation by putting in the question tags.

Peter Did you see Holland and Mexico on television last night?

      Bob Yes, it was a great game,... ? Holland were marvellous.

Sue They won’t find it so easy against Poland,... ?

      Bob No, they won’t. Poland have got a good team,... ?

Peter Lobak looks good,... ? The Austrians couldn’t stop him,... ?

      Bob It’ll be an interesting game,... ?

Sue England haven’t been very good,... ?

      Bob Luck hasn’t been on our side,... ?

Sue But why is Bodger playing? He isn’t very good,... ?

      Peter He didn’t play very well against Peru,... ?

Bob He doesn’t play as well now as he used to,... ?

      Peter Well, we should beat Nigeria,... ?

Sue I don't know. Anything could happen,... ?

      Bob The West Germans are good,... ? They don’t take any risks,... ?

Peter They’re playing HunGary tonight. You’ll be watching,... ?

      Bob Yes, of course.

Activity A

Talk to a partner about a sporting event. Try to use a few positive and negative tags in your conversation.

Activity B

If you aren’t interested in sport, talk to your partner about a television programme you both watch or about world events which have been on the radio lately.


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