

Amanda is a secretary. She’s grumbling about her new job and her boss. Match each sentence in the first box with one in the second. Rewrite the sentences using if + the simple past tense + would/could.


If my boss didn’t play golf, he wouldn't be out of the office so much.

If he told me where he was, I could contact him.

My boss plays golf.

He doesn’t tell me where he is.

1   The pay isn't good.

2   He gives me so much work.

3   His writing is so awful.

4   He doesn’t listen to me.

5   The offices are such a long way from here.

6   There aren’t any cafés nearby.

I can’t afford a nicer flat.

I can’t contact him.

I can’t read it.

I have to tell him everything twice.

I have to stay late.

I have to take sandwiches.

I spend so much time on the bus. He’s out of the office so much.


What kind of things do parents say to their children when they aren’t doing very well with their school work and are getting low marks? Think of three or four sentences with if and the simple past tense.


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