
 Hilary Lester works for an organization called Food for the Third World. She's talking on television about the situation in Omagua. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, or use will or would or their short forms.

      Interviewer Miss Lester, what is the situation in Omagua?

Hilary Well, it's very bad. Thousands of people have died, and thousands more (die) soon if they (not get) help. The people have very little food or water. And if we (not do) something soon, things (get) much worse. There will simply be nothing left to eat.

      Interviewer Is the British government doing anything to help? If they (send) food, that (help) to save lives, wouldn’t it? After all, Omagua was once a British colony.

Hilary Yes, indeed. And the country is very poor, of course. But our government refuses to do anything quickly. They say they need time to find out about the problem. But we haven't got any time. It (be) too late if they (not do) something soon.

      Interviewer Well, it doesn’t look as if Omagua is going to get any help for the moment. So what next? What (happen) if the country (not get) enough food or enough money to buy food?

Hilary Well, if our government (not be) willing to help, we (have to) ask people to send US money. In fact, we’re asking them now.

      Interviewer How much are you asking people to give?

Hilary We’re asking them just to send what they can. Even small amounts will be welcome. We (be) very grateful if people (send) what they can afford. After all, if everyone in the country (give) just 10p, we (have) a lot of money, wouldn’t we? I’m sure if people (know) exactly what things were like in Omagua, they (want) to help.

      Interviewer And are you hopeful that people will send money?

Hilary Oh, yes. If people (hear) about the problem, as they’re doing now, then they (help), I’m sure. They always have done before.

      Interviewer Is there still time to get food and money to the people who need it, Miss Lester?

Hilary Oh, yes. We’ll put the money to good use immediately. If people (post) money to US tomorrow, the food (be) in Omagua by the end of the week.

      Interviewer Well, it’s certainly a good thing that you’re able to help the Omaguans. If your organization (not exist), things (be) much less hopeful. Now, can you tell US the address where people should send money?...


Graham and Miranda are on holiday in East Africa. They’re in a safari park, and their car has run out of petrol. They're three miles from the nearest filling station, which is just outside the park. They’ve got a petrol can. There are no other cars in sight. It is very hot, and they have no water. There are lions in the safari park, although they can’t see any at the moment.

Discuss possible answers to their problem using if-cibuses


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