
 Below is the story of what happened when four people went on a long walk last week. Read the story and rewrite the underlined parts using if-clauses type 3.


If it hadn’t rained most of the morning, it would have been a pleasant walk.

They wouldn’t have decided to go if the forecast had been bad.

Last Saturday Trevor, Alison, Gary and Emma went on a twenty-mile walk over the Norland Hills. Trevor likes walking, and it was his idea. They walked from Oscroft at the eastern end of the hills to Raveley in the west. The day didn’t go at all as planned. It rained most of the morning, so it wasn’t a very pleasant walk. The weather is often wet in the Norland Hills, in fact. But they decided to go because the forecast wasn’t bad. Trevor and Alison wore their anoraks, but Gary and Emma got wet because they didn’t have their anoraks. The four friends had other problems too. They forgot to bring a map, and they lost the way. They wanted to stop for lunch in the village of Rydale. They finally got there at two o'clock. They were late because they didn’t go the right way. They had planned to eat at the café in Rydale, but they weren’t able to eat there because the cafe was closed for the day. It was very annoying. They didn’t have any food with them, so they were hungry. But the weather was better by this time, and they decided to go on to Raveley. Five miles further on Alison had an accident. She fell and hurt her leg. So they had to go more slowly after that. They lost even more time. They missed their bus home because they got to Raveley so late. There wasn’t any other transport, so they rang their friend Adam. Luckily he was at home, so he was able to come and fetch them in his car. They were glad to get home.


Here is part of a newspaper report about a motorway accident. Read it and then write three or four sentences about the accident using if-clauses type 3. You can use your own words as well as the words in the report.


There was a terrible accident on the motorway near Gondolfo last night when a coach overturned and caught fire. Thirty people died, all of them British. There were only four sur¬vivors, who managed to get out through a broken window. Luckily the motor¬way was quiet and no other vehicle was involved in the crash. The coach, owned by Gladway Tours of London, was on its way to Athens. According to the survivors, the driver had been at the wheel of the coach for fourteen hours and had probably fallen asleep. The coach left London two hours late, and the driver was


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