
 David, Lynn, Angela and Martin live in a town on a busy main road. They're talking about a plan to build a by-pass round the town.

Complete the conversation by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Use will or would if necessary.         

David I think a new road is a good idea. It (keep) the traffic out of the town if they build a by-pass. The traffic in the High Street is terrible. If they’d had any sense, they (build) a by-pass years ago.

      Lynn But what about the shopkeepers? If there was a by-pass, then people (not stop) here. And there’ll be fewer customers in the shops if there (be) less traffic in the town.   .

Angela I don’t agree. I think more people (want) to shop here if it’s quieter and pleasanter.

      Martin Tourists (not come) into the town if there’s a by-pass.

David If the High street (be) less busy, it would be a lot easier to cross the road.

      Angela There (be) less noise if there were fewer heavy lorries.

David And the traffic doesn’t do the buildings any good. Everything shakes when a heavy lorry goes past. Do you remember those old houses in West Street? They had to knock them down because of damage by lorries. If there (be) a new road ten years ago, they (not have to) do that. And cyclists have been knocked off their bikes by lorries. One man was killed. That (not happen) if the lorries hadn’t had to use the High Street.

      Martin Don’t forget that if you (improve) the road system, then the traffic may simply increase. Or you’ll just move the problem to another town.

Angela But look at the situation now — dozens of lorries moving very slowly through the town. It (save) a lot of time if they travelled more quickly along a by-pass.

      Martin The by-pass would use up good farmland that we can’t afford to lose.

Lynn The route goes right through GorDon Bentley’s farm. It (cut) his farm in two if they build it there. He only bought the farm three years ago.

David Well, if that (happen), they’d pay him for the land.

      Lynn He told me yesterday he (not buy) the farm in the first place if he (know).

Angela But a by-pass is for the whole town.

      Lynn Well, if I (be) Gordon, I (be) angry about it.

David I’m angry now about the traffic in the High Street. If they (not give) US a by-pass, there’ll be trouble, I can tell you.


Complete these sentences in your own words.

Discuss your answers with other members of the class.


If all goes well,...

If I had a million pounds,...

If there was only one day left before the end of the world,...

If I had lived ... hundred years ago,...


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