

Charlotte works for an advertising company. She’s made some notes about different products. Write sentences with if + the simple present + will to advertise the products.


wash your hair with Glam - it looks super

If you wash your hair with Glam, it ’ll look super.,

feel better - take Panadex

You’ll feel better if you take Panadex.

1   choose a Sunspot holiday - have a great time

2   sleep a lot better - sleep in a Dreamway bed

3   people notice you - wear Rodeo jeans

4   shop at Kwikbuy - save money

5   use Luxidor paint - your house looks beautiful

6   know what’s happening - read the Daily Talk

7   wash with Whizz - your clothes cleaner

8   drive a Delta - not want to drive any other car


Write a few sentences advertising some other products. Use if-clauses. You can choose real products.


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