

Mark and Jane are going to buy a house. It’s quite cheap, but it isn’t in very good condition, so they’ve had a report made on it. In the report there’s a list of what they’ll have to do to the house. They’ve ticked the things they can do themselves. Say which jobs they can do and which they'll need to have done by someone else.


They can clear the gutters themselves.

They’ll need-to have the roof repaired.

Summary of work needed

Clear the gutters. Repair the roof.

Re-build the garage wall. , Replace the broken glafss. w'

Lay a new floor in the dining-room. Repair the bedroom ceiling.

Put in a new kitchen window. .

Paint-the outside of the house, ự'Decorate all the rooms,

Check the electrical wiring.

Activity A

Say which of the jobs in the list you would do yourself and which you would have done by someone.

Activity B

Say what you can have done at these places.

   a photographer’s studio

   a dry cleaner’s

   a dentist's

   a photographer's studio

   a dry cleaner’s

   a dentist’s


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