

Stanley Arnold, the multi-millionaire businessman and head of Arnold Motors, has just died. He wasn’t a very popular man. Below are some examples of what the press said about him during his lifetime. Write down what they said.


‘Arnold is not a very nice person.’ - Today Magazine Today Magazine said that Arnold was not a very nice person.

1   ‘Arnold Motors has never paid any tax.’ - News Extra

2   ‘Arnold spends the company’s money at a Las Vegas casino.’ - Newsday Magazine

3   ‘When he dies, he will probably leave more than $500 million.’ - International News

4   ‘Stanley Arnold never speaks to his children.’ - Modern World

5   ‘He is planning to leave his money to a dogs’ home.’ - The Daily Free Press

6   ‘Arnold has friends in the Mafia.’ - World Magazine

7   ‘The police ought to ask Stanley Arnold some questions.' - The Saturday Reporter

8   ‘No one will be sorry when he’s gone’ - The Daily Talk


Complete the sentences by reporting what people might say in these situations.

After winning a million pounds in a competition, Mrs Grout of Birmingham said ...

A plane crashed into the sea, and fifty people were killed. There was one survivor. He told reporters afterwards that...

On the day he became Prime Minister, Mr Wright said...


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