
 Milena and Ahmed are students. They’re going to take an English exam soon. Their English is correct, but they could improve it by replacing or leaving out words. Can you help them to make the underlined sentences shorter? Use short additions to statements, use so and not after a verb, or leave out words instead of saying them again.

Milena It's the English exam in two weeks. Have you done any work for it?

      Ahmed No, I’m afraid I haven’t done any work for it. I haven't had much time lately.

Milena And I haven't had much time. I’ve been very busy.

      Ahmed I’ve been to all the classes, though. And I’ve done the homework.

Milena I haven’t done the homework. I always have so many other things to do in the evenings.

      Ahmed There’s an oral exam, isn’t there?

Milena Yes, I think there’s an oral exam. Mrs Moss mentioned it last week in one of our lessons.

      Ahmed I can do written work all right, but I can’t do oral work.

Milena Oh, nonsense. Your spoken English is very good. You can hold conversations in English, can’t you?

      Ahmed Yes, I suppose I can hold conversations in English. Perhaps I'll do all right. Are we allowed to use dictionaries in the exam, do you know?

Milena I don’t think we’re allowed to use them. Why don’t you ask Mrs Moss?

      Ahmed Yes, I will ask her. She’ll know, won’t she?

Milena I expect she’ll know.

      Ahmed I really must pass the exam.

Milena Will you need English in your job?

      Ahmed I’ll need it to get a good job.

Milena I’ll need it, too. But don’t worry, Ahmed. Your English is fine. You’re going to pass.

      Ahmed Well, I hope I'm going to pass. I know you will pass.

Milena I wish I could be so sure. I’m certainly not looking forward to it.

      Ahmed And I’m not looking forward to it. I’ll be glad when it’s over, in fact.

Milena I’ll be glad, too.

Activity A

When you have improved the conversation, act it out with a partner.     '

Activity B

Talk to your partner about the English exam you will both take or about whether you will need to use English in your job or as a visitor to an English-speaking country.


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