

Paul and Diane are going to Tony ’s party. Complete their conversation using the verbs in brackets. Do not put a whole clause after the verb. Use so or not if necessary.


No, (expect). No, I don’t expect so.

Diane I hope this party’s good.

      Paul (hope), too. I don’t know how we’re going to get there.

Diane Is the car still out of action?

      Paul (be afraid).

Diane What's the matter with it?

      Paul (be sure), but I think it’s something electrical.

Diane Haven’t you taken it to the garage yet?

      Paul (be afraid). I haven’t had time.

Diane Well, Martin will be going, won’t he? We can ask him for a lift.

      Paul Yes, (suppose). I don’t imagine there’s a bus.

Diane I (expect). Not in the evening.

      Paul OK, I’ll ring Martin. He might be taking Richard, of course.

Diane Oh, (hope). That man talks about horse racing the whole time. He’s so boring.

      Paul Yes, (know).

Diane Do we have to take a bottle to this party?

      Paul No, (think). Tony  didn’t say.

Diane We’d better take some wine. There’s a bottle in the cupboard.


React to these three questions using similar sentences with hope, think etc.

   Is there going to be a Third World War?

   Have people from other planets visited the earth?

   Is there life after death?


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