

Some students are thinking of giving a party. Complete the conversation by putting in he, him, she, her, it, they, them, one or some.


Don Trevor says we’re giving a party on Saturday.

      Lisa We’re thinking of giving        was Alison who

first thought of the idea.

Adam Gary won’t be here. ...’s going to London.

      Melanie Gary won’t mind if we go ahead without.... Don Are we gqing to have food?

Lisa ... would be expensive to buy food for all the guests. Let’s just ask ... to bring something to drink.

      Melanie Have we got any glasses?

Adam There are ... in the kitchen cupboard. ...’ll be all right. We can use ....

      Don There won’t be enough, but we can borrow ....

Adam We can’t use my record player. There's something wrong with ....

      Melanie What about a cassette recorder? Hasn’t Daniel got... ?

Adam He had .... but he’s sold ....

      Don Who are we going to invite?

Lisa Who was that girl who came here on Friday?

      Adam Rosemary.

Lisa Well, don’t invite   wasn’t very nice. I

don't like ... at all.

      Melanie We all went to Margaret and Angela’s party, so we ought to invite .... But let’s talk about it tomorrow. I’m too tired tonight. ...’s getting late.

Activity A

Imagine your class are giving a party. Discuss what you will need and where you can get it.

Activity B

Say which famous person you would most like to invite to dinner. Give a reason for your choice.


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