

Complete the following by putting in a, an or the where necessary. In some places you don’t need an article at all.


Graham Mackay is ... engineer. He works on ... oil rig in ... North Sea. He works on ... rig for two weeks and then has two weeks at... home in Glasgow.... rig is 100 miles off... coast of Scotland.... oil company’s

helicopter flies him to and from ... Aberdeen Airport. He does ... important job, and he’s paid over £350 ... week.


Graham works twelve hours ... day during his two weeks on ... rig. His shift finishes at... midnight, when he goes to ... bed. Although ... work is important, it’s rather... boring job. He shares ... cabin with three other men. One of them is ... friend of his, ... American called Lee Driver, who comes from ... New Mexico.


... men aren’t allowed to drink ... alcohol, so Graham has ... milk or... tea with his meals. Most of the men smoke... cigarettes.


... weather can be pretty bad. Sometimes there are ... storms. Everyone’s always glad to get back to ... mainland.


Ask a partner questions and find out the following information. Write down the information.

   where he/she lives

   his/her job, or whether he/she is a pupil at school, or a college or university student

   how many hours he/she works every day

   what he/she thinks of the job or school


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