

Some students are looking at an untidy pile of papers and other things. Complete what they say using these words: me, you, him, her, US, them; my, your, his, her, our, their; mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs.


1   Sadie This is Adam’s ruler. It must be ... because it’s got... name on it.

      Gary I’ll give it to ....

2   Trevor Are these gloves .... Rebecca?

      Rebecca Yes, they are. Thanks. They haven’t got ... name in them, but they belong to ....

3   Alison I think these notes belong to Lisa and Melanie. These pages are part of a project of....       Daniel I can’t see ... names on it, but I’ll ask ... about it.

4   Gary Adam and I have been looking for these magazines. Someone took them from ... room.       They belong to .... We’re using the pictures for a project of....

5   Rebecca Isn’t this pen Emma’s?

      Sadie I don’t think it’s one of.... I know she’s lost ... calculator, but I haven’t heard ... say she's lost a pen.

6   Daniel Is that book ... ?

      Gary Yes, it’s got... name in it, so it must belong to .... Here you are.

      Daniel Thanks, Gary.


Each of you puts one of your possessions on the teacher’s desk. You then take it in turns to give one or two objects back to their owners. Ask e.g. Whose is this? It is yours, Claudia? No, it doesn’t belong to me. I think it’s Bruno’s.


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