

Angela goes to a club called Weight Losers. It’s for people who want to lose weight. Angela is talking to a friend about the club. Put in a reflexive pronoun or each other.


Angela I go to Weight Losers now, you know. I’m trying to lose weight. I have to force ... to eat the right food. My husband doesn’t think I’m fat. ‘You’ll make ... ill,’ he tells me. But it’s doing me good. Lots of people go to the club. They’re all trying to lose weight or keep ... slim. We all weigh ... on the scales and write down our weight. Then the members all tell... their weight. Yesterday one man was one kilo heavier than the week before. He said he couldn’t stop ... eating cakes. The teacher says, ‘You must control.... all of you.’ Helen goes too, you know. She’s losing weight. She’s very pleased with .... The Johnsons were there yesterday too. They’re always arguing with .... They’ve lost a lot of weight, so they must be really starving ....

Activity A

Have you ever tried to teach yourself a language?

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of learning without a teacher.

Activity B

Think of contexts for these sentences. Write four short paragraphs, each containing one of the sentences.


They blamed themselves for the accident.

They blamed each other for the accident.

Everyone helped themselves.

Everyone helped each other.


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