
 Mr Pratt often has strange dreams. The pictures on the right show what he dreamed about last night. Describe each dream using see or hear and either the infinitive without to or the -ing form.


He heard a bomb explode.

He'saw a girl running along a beach.


Use these verbs: bum, crash, fly, jump, ring, scream.

1.   He:... It went on for a long time.

2.   ... into the sea.

3.   ... in the sky.

4.   .... He thought she would never stop.

5.   ... out of a car as it was moving.

6.   ...

Activity A

Write two or three sentences saying what you can see and hear when you look out of your window in the morning.

Activity B

One student imagines that he/she was in a certain place yesterday evening, e.g. at a restaurant or at the circus. The student gives clues, e.g. I could hear people talking quietly. I saw an acrobat do a somersault. You guess where he/she was.


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