
 Peter and Sue are in the shopping centre. Complete their conversation by putting the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or the -ing form.

Peter Have we done all the shopping now?

      Sue Yes, I think so. I must remember (post) this letter.

Peter I remember (pass) a postbox somewhere.

      Sue Just a minute, where’s my purse? It isn’t in my handbag.

Peter Did you forget (bring) it?

      Sue No, I had it not long ago. And my credit card is in there. Oh, my God, what are we going to do?

Peter Just stop (worry) and think. You must have put it down somewhere and forgotten (pick) it up. Try (remember) when you had it last.

      Sue I remember (have) it in the shoe shop.

Peter Then you stopped (buy) a newspaper...

      Sue Oh, it’s all right. It’s here in the shopping bag. Sorry. I can’t remember (put) it there.

Peter You could try (chain) it to your hand next time.

Activity A

Can you remember things you did when you were very young? Give examples of things you remember doing.

Activity B       -

Do you ever forget to do things such as turning off lights or locking doors? Give examples.

Activity C

What advice would you give to someone who wants to stop smoking? Use the verb try


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