
 Complete the newspaper article by putting in the infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets.


Milchester Council has decided (let) 82-year-old Mrs Nellie Battle go on (live) at her home at 29 Croft Street. The Council had Wanted (knock) down all the old houses in the street because they were planning (build) a new car park there. The future of this plan is now uncertain.

The story began five years ago when the people of Croft Street agreed (move) to new homes. Unfortunately the Council forgot (ask) Mrs Battle. When they finally remembered her, everyone else had already gone. But the Council failed (persuade) Nellie to do the same. ‘My grandson’s just finished (decorate) the sitting-room forme,' she said at the time. ‘I can’t imagine (leave) now.’

The Council offered (pay) Mrs Battle £500 and promised (give) her a new house, but she still refused (move). ‘I can’t help (like) it here,’ she told our reporter. 'I miss (see) the neighbours of course. I enjoyed (talk) to them.’ Croft street has stood almost empty for the last five years. There seemed (be) no way anyone could move Nellie from number 29.

Now comes the Council’s new decision. Mrs Battle is very pleased. ‘I kept (tell) them I wouldn’t move,’ she said today. ‘I don’t mind (be) on my own any more. And I expect (live) till I’m a hundred. I hope (be) here a long time yet.’

We have also heard this week that the Council cannot now afford (build) the car park. One or two of the people who used (live) in Croft Street have suggested (repair) the old houses so that they can move back into them. They dislike (live) in the new houses they moved into five years ago.


Read this paragraph about the Electrobrit company

The union and management at Electrobrit can’t agree. The union wants a five per cent increase in wages. The management say the company hasn’t got enough money. If they paid higher wages, they might go bankrupt. But they can give the workers an extra week’s holiday next year. The union thinks the wages are very low, and the workers may go on strike.

Think of some sentences that might be spoken during the discussion. Write two or three of the union’s sentences and two or three of the management’s.

Use an infinitive or an -ing form after e.g. Why do you refuse .... We can’t go onWe’re offeringWe can’t risk.... We’ve promised....


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