
 David has just met an old friend of his called Nigel. They’re having a cup of coffee together.

      Nigel has some bad news. Complete the conversation by putting in an infinitive with to or without to.

Use these verbs: answer, borrow, catch, do, find, go, hear, know, lend, look, make, pay, see, spend, stay, think. (You will need to use some of the verbs more than once.)

David Are you still working for Electrobrit, Nigel?

      Nigel No, I’m not. I’m afraid I lost my job there. And Polly’s lost her job too. We're having rather a difficult time at the moment.

David Oh, dear. I’m sorry ... that.

      Nigel I’ve been out of work for six months now. I expected ... a new job fairly quickly, but it isn’t so easy, I’ve discovered.

David Jobs are hard ... these days.

      Nigel With Polly not working we’ve very little money ... . After I lost my job I managed ... my bank manager ... us some money, but he won’t let US... any more now. And there are lots of bills .... I really don’t know what....

David Do you think you might... a job if you moved somewhere else?

      Nigel Well, perhaps. We’ve talked about it of course. We’ve even wondered whether... abroad. We could always ... a fresh start in a different country. Polly wants me ... for a job in America. And I’ve written to Australia House, although I’m still waiting for them ....

David Do you like the idea of living abroad?

      Nigel I don’t know really. I think on the whole I’d rather... here if I had a job. But the situation has made US ... carefully about our future. We decided we ought... out what opportunities there are. I’ve agreed ... about all the possibilities.

David Well, I hope you find something soon.

      Nigel I simply must... a job soon, or I don’t know what we shall....

David Well, let me ... what happens, won’t you? Look, here’s my new address and phone number. Give me a ring some time.

      Nigel OK, David. I’d better... now. I’ve got a bus ....

David I hope ... you again soon.

      Nigel ’Bye, David.


Complete these sentences in your own words.

I     hope to...

It would be nice to ...

I don’t know wh... to ...

Why won’t they let US ... ?

Men/Women are always expected to ...


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