
 Complete this newspaper report in the Daily Talk about the racing driver Chuck Loder. Put the verbs in brackets into an infinitive form. Use the continuous infinitive (e.g. to be doing), the perfect infinitive (e.g. to have done) or the passive infinitive (e.g. to be done).


Racing driver Chuck Loder, who had a bad accident in last year’s Grand Prix, is likely (come) out of hospital soon. He agreed (interview) by our sports reporter, although he has refused (photograph), as his face still shows the marks of the accident.

Chuck was very cheerful when he spoke to US. His health now seems (improve) slowly. He expects (sit) at the wheel once again before very long.

Many people think that last year’s race at Bruckheim ought never (take) place. It was the last race on the old track, which is going (re-build) soon. The owners of the track expect (complete) the work in time for next season.

Chuck hopes (drive) in next year’s Grand Prix. We wish him luck. Read his personal story of the Bruckheim accident in next week’s Daily Talk.


Write a similar story about a yachtsman called Brendan Stiles who was badly injured when his experimental new yacht overturned and sank during an international yacht race which is held every year off the west coast of Australia.


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