
 In 1983 two people from the distant planet Chupron visited the earth. Their names were Kepal and Enis. They looked much like humans. They learnt English before they set off. They travelled in a small spaceship made to look like a Cadillac. They toured the USA pretending to be Canadian tourists. They spoke English the whole time. One day they left the spaceship in West 57th Street, New York while they went for a walk in Central Park. When they came back, it had gone. Look at their conversation and describe their thoughts.


Kepal What shall we do?

Enis I’ve no idea.

They had no idea what to do.

1   Enls How can we get the spaceship back? Kepal I don’t know.

2   Kepal Where should we look? Enls I can’t think.

3   Enls Shall we wait in the street? Kepal I’m not sure.

4   Enls Where shall we go? Kepal I’ve no idea.

5   Kepal Do you think we ought to hide? Enis I don't know.

6   Enls How can we contact Chupron? Kepal I’ve no idea.

7   Kepal Should we go to the police? Enis I’m not sure.

8   Kepal What do you think? Enis I don’t know.


Make similar sentences about these people:

   a man who had just finished a meal in a restaurant and discovered that he had forgotten his money

   a woman who saw a man on the other side of the street suddenly burst into flames as he was walking along

   a man who arrived home from work and unexpectedly found a huge pile of new bricks in his garden completely blocking the way to the door of the house


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