

Kelly is a seven-year-old girl whose parents have been killed in a road accident. She’s living in a children’s home, but she isn’t happy there. Two social workers, Valerie and Roy, are talking about Kelly. Rewrite the underlined parts using for + noun phrase + infinitive.


It'll be the best thing for her to live in a family.

It's been very hard for her to accept the situation.

Valerie We’ve found a family who will have Kelly.

      Roy That’s excellent. It’ll be the best thing if she lives in a family.

Valerie She hasn’t accepted the situation. It’s been very hard for her.

      Roy She hasn’t felt at home here. It’s been impossible, I’m afraid. Will it take long before the boss gives US a definite decision?

Valerie Well, I’ve arranged that the psychologist is going to see Kelly on Friday. Then we’ll have to wait until she writes her report.

      Roy But we’re sure, aren’t we? There isn’t any reason why we should keep her here any longer. Valerie Oh, it won’t be long. It’s quite usual that children are in here for months, you know. It would be a mistake if everything happened in a big hurry.

      Roy Well, I hope we can explain to Kelly. I think it’s important that the children here know about our plans for them.


Use for + noun phrase + infinitive to talk about parties. Do you enjoy parties? Do people have parties in your country? Say what they’re like. (It's usual...) What makes a good party? (It’s best.../It’s important ...) What makes a bad one? (It's a mistake...).


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