
 A man walked into a London hospital yesterday not knowing his own name. He’d tost his memory. Rewrite the man’s words putting the main clause first and the sub clause second. Use a question word or that. (You can leave out that if you like.)


Who am I? No one knows.

No one knows who I am.


I’ll get my memory back soon, I hope.

I     hope that I’ll get my memory back soon.


1   What’s my name? I’ve no idea.

2   Where do I live? I don’t know.

3   I’m a tong way from home, I've got a feeling.

4   Why do I think so? I’m not sure.

5   Something strange has happened to me, I know.

6   How did it happen? I can’t understand.

7   I just walked into the hospital, I’ve heard.

8   When did I come here? I can’t remember.


Complete these sentences in your own words using sub clauses.

   I hope ...

   I can never understand ...

   I believe...

   I don’t know ...


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