
 Ten detectives work for Bymore’s department store. Their job is to stop customers stealing things. Look at this note from the store manager and put in these conjunctions: after, as, as soon as, before, since, until.

To: All store detectives From: Manager Please remember these points.


1   It is important to act quickly.... you see a customer

!     behaving suspiciously, inform the control team by

i     radio.

2   Foltow the customer... he moves around the store.

3   Do not speak to the customer inside the store. Wait ... he has left the store.

4   ... you hạye informed the control team, a second detective will join you to help with the arrest.

5 Arrest the customer outside and bring him to the ;          control room for questioning. Do not question him

      ... you get to the control room.

6 Remember that the control team have been filming        the customer... you first Informed them about him.


  Frank Simlein is a writer of science fiction. He’s writing a story about an American family called Mitchell who have survived a nuclear explosion and are living in an underground shelter. Suggest a few sentences with clauses of time that Frank might use.


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