

Robert Gorman is writing a guide to hotels in England. Here are his notes on the two main hotels in Milchester. Say how good the two hotels are.

Grand Hotel Castle Hotel

      comfortable? +          0

      pleasant views?        0          + +

1   good service?           +          + +

2   good food?    0          + +

3   clean?            ++        0

4   quiet? +          + +

5   convenient?  ++        +

6   reasonable prices?  0          + +

      + + = very good + = fairly good       0 = not very good     



The Grand is fairly comfortable.

It's a bit more comfortable than the Castle.

The Castle Isn’t very comfortable.


The views at the Grand aren't very pleasant.

They’re a lot less pleasant than at the Castle.

The views at the Castle are very pleasant.

Activity A

Is there a system of school and college marks or grades in your country? Do teachers give marks from 1 to 5 or a percentage mark? Explain the meaning of the different grades.

Activity B

Describe your country’s climate. Say how hot or cold and how wet or dry it is, and so on, at different times of the year.


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