
1. emojis, stories, from, why becoming, creative
You can find (1) emoji T-shirts, posters, videos, (2) ...and songs. Emojis are everywhere, but where are they from and (3) are they so popular? The emoji inventor, Shigetaka Kurita, is (4) Japan, and ‘emoji’ in Japanese means picture (e) and letter (moji). Now over thousand (5) with different skin colors show people and ideas from many cultures, not only Japan. They are (6) a truly international language.
creative,stories, why, from , emojis, becoming .
2. go, bedroom, day, you, in,is
Sleep(7)very important. It lets your body and mind rest after a busy day. Everyone has trouble sleeping sometimes. There are things(8) can do to help you sleep better. Think about what you drink(9)the afternoon and evening. Cola drinks can keep you awake. Don’t eat too much before bedtime and have at least an hour after dinner to let your food (10)down. Try to get some fresh air each(11).You don’t have to do a sport every day. Just going outside is good.Try not to have your (12)too hot or too cold.
is, you, in, go, day, bedroom
3. well, bed, also, have, remember, watch
Try not to(13)your bedroom too hot or too cold. Put a nightlight on if you like to have some light. Try dark curtains if you don’t. Try to go to (14)at thesame time each day. This should be the same at weekends as (15) as on school nights.Have a warm bath or shower before bed to relax you. A milky drink could (16)helpyou sleep. Don’t (17)the television or use a phone or tablet before bed. The light they give off can wake up your brain. (18) to go to the toilet before you go to bed.
have, bed, well, also,watch,remember
4. international, instant, creative, cultures, colorful, from
Sitting on the sofa, Anna is sending Lucy an (19) message. But Anna isn’t using real words or writing real sentences. Like other young people, they’re communicating with small, (20) pictures – emojis. You can find (21) emoji T-shirts, posters, videos, stories and songs. Emojis are everywhere, but where are they from and why are they so popular? The emoji inventor, Shigetaka Kurita, is (22)Japan, and ‘emoji’ in Japanese means picture (e) and letter (moji). Now over a thousand emojis with different skin colors show people and ideas from many (23), not only Japan.
They are becoming a truly (24)language.
Instant ,colorful, creative , form, cultures, international


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