

Complete these riddles using who, what or which. You may first need to find the correct answer in the box below.


1.   ... goes up but never comes down?

2.   ... is paid money for taking something away from you?

3.   ... can go through a closed door?

4.   ... of these words is longer: ‘laughs’ or ‘smiles’?

5.   ... has fingers but no arms?

6.   ... sheep eat more grass, black ones or white ones?

7.   ... invented the first pen?

8.   ... has more tails, one cat or no cat?

9.   ... is the difference between an African elephant and an Indian elephant?

10. ... king of England wore the biggest shoes?


A hairdresser.

About 3,000 miles.

A pair of gloves.

The one with the biggest feet.

Your age.

The Incas, (ink-ers!)

A noise.

No cat. (No cat has more than one tail.) White ones. There are more of them.

‘Smiles’ because there’s a ‘mile’ between the first and last letters.


Imagine that you have a friend who always stays at home in the evenings and never goes out. One day your friend tells you that he/she went out last night with someone to a cinema and then to a restaurant. What questions would you ask your friend?


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