

Mr Pratt is telling his Psychiatrist about his dreams. Put in the psychiatrist’s questions.


Mr Pratt I dreamt I was looking for something.

Psychiatrist What were you looking for?

Mr Pratt I don’t know. Someone laughed at me.

Psychiatrist Who laughed at you?

Mr Pratt I couldn’t see his face.

Mr Pratt I was waiting for someone.

Psychiatrist ...?

Mr Pratt I don't know. I was afraid of something.

Psychiatrist .?   t

Mr Pratt I’m not sure. Somebody ran towards me.

Psychiatrist ...?

Mr Pratt A man I didn’t know. Then I shouted at someone.

Psychiatrist ... ?

Mr Pratt I think it was my brother. But then I fell over something.

Psychiatrist ...?

Mr Pratt Something lying in the road. Somebody was pointing at me.

Psychiatrist ...?

Mr Pratt My father. He was talking to someone.

Psychiatrist .. ?

Mr Pratt I don’t know. I woke up then.


A friend of yours has found a strange object in his garden. He thinks it is a space satellite. What questions might you ask him about it?


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