

Betty Root is the leader of the Forwards Party. She doesn’t agree with the Prime Minister George Wright and his Progressive Party. Betty is talking on television. Complete what she says using too many, too much, some more, another and enough.

Mrs Root George Wright and his party have made far... mistakes during their time as the government. Mr Wright doesn’t really spend ... time at his job, I’m afraid. Our Prime Minister spends ... time playing golf. While he’s doing that, our industry is dying. A lot of factories have closed in the last few years "... factories, in my opinion. And we’ve just learnt that... factories are going to close soon, thanks to George Wright again. The Progressives simply don’t spend ... money on the really important things, like helping industry. And of course they spend ... on things that no one needs. We don’t want... Progressive government after this one. Mr Wright would like to give us ... of the same medicine. But the medicine is killing our country. You gave the Progressives a chance to put the country right, and you’ve seen the result. Don’t give them ... chance.


Mention some of the problems facing the world today, such as hunger or nuclear weapons. Use too many, enough etc in some of your sentences.


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