

Maria is writing to her friend Helen in England. She’s rather tired, and she’s left some of the words out by mistake. Rewrite the letter putting in the adverbs and adverb phrases on the right.


Dear Helen,

Thank you for your letter. Is it four months since I last wrote?        really

I’m sorry, but I’ve been very busy.       lately

I’m working for my exams.        already

I’ve planned my revision.          carefully

I     work until about ten o’clock in the evening.          usually

I've finished for today.   just

I don’t keep to my           of course,

plan.         always

I saw a marvellous film.            yesterday

It was called ‘The Secret Game'.

Have you seen it?


The class divides into two teams. A student from Team 1 finds a sentence in an English book or newspaper. He/She writes the sentence on the board, leaving out one adverb or adverb phrase. He/She then writes the adverb on the board, under the sentence. Team 2 have to say where the adverb was in the sentence. They score two points if they guess exactly where it was, and they score one point for a correct position which is different from the original sentence. Then it’s Team 2’s turn to choose a sentence.

If this is too easy, find sentences with two adverbs or adverb phrases.


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