
 Charlotte works for an advertising company. She’s made some notes about a number of products. Write two sentences to advertise each product. The first sentence has an infinitive after a noun, and the second has an infinitive after an adjective.


washing some clothes? best with Brite

Have you got some clothes to wash? It's best to wash them with Brite.

1   mowing a lawn? easier with a Swish machine

2   cleaning your shoes? best with Gleem polish

3   doing a dirty job? sensible in Atkinson’s work clothes

4   taking some luggage? easier in a car like an Alton Sahara

5   feeding a dog? better Chomp

6   doing a sum? quicker with a Numerex calculator


Think of some inventions that make work easier or quicker to do. Write a few sentences like If you've got a carpet to clean, it’s easier to use a vacuum cleaner.


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