
 A dangerous criminal called Dan Givens escaped from Maxley Prison a week ago. The police still haven’t found him. Detectives Prosser and Jeffs are helping with the search. Complete their conversation, putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Use the simple present, simple past or past perfect tense.

Prosser It’s time we (find) Givens, isn’t it? And we’ve still no idea where he is. The way things are going, it’ll be Christmas before we (catch) him.

      Jeffs I wish Maxley Prison (look) after him a bit better last week.

Prosser If they (discover) the escape more quickly, we’d have had a better chance of getting him.

      Jeffs And now we haven’t got enough men. If we (have) more men, we'd probably find him.

Prosser We don’t even know where his girl-friend is.

      Jeffs If only we (know) where she lives now. I bet he’s with her.

Prosser We’ll get him in the end.

      Jeffs I wish they (not let) him escape in the first place.

Prosser When we finally (find) him, he’ll probably have a gun.

      Jeffs Of course. So we’ll just have to be careful. He won’t have a chance if he (try) to shoot his way out.


A tiger has escaped from a zoo and is being hunted by soldiers. What do you think the soldiers might say? Write three or four sentences with it’s time, if only, when etc.


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