
Khoa học tự nhiên 7

 Adam does his shopping at Brisco supermarket. Yesterday a woman who works for Brisco stopped him on his way out and asked him some questions. She wrote the answers on the form below. Later Adam told his friend Don about it. Give Adam’s words.


She asked me how often I shopped at Brisco, and I told her I shopped there twice a week.

She asked me if I was happy to shop there, and I told her I was.

Brisco Supermarkets

Customer questionnaire

How often do you shop at Brisco?

Twice a week-

Are you happy to shop here?


Why do you shop here?

Because. it's cheap

Can you get everything you want at Brisco?

Can't got good break

How far away is your home?

One mile

Have you come here by car?


How much have you just spent?

About E15

Will you come to Brisco again?


Activity A

Has anyone ever stopped you in the street or knocked on your door to ask you questions? Have you ever had an interview for a job? Has a Reporter or a policeman ever asked you questions? Report the interview to the class.

Activity B

Imagine that one student in your class has won a TV quiz contest. The student tells the class how he/she answered the questions, e.g. ‘I said it was Sofia.’ You say what the student was asked, e.g. ‘Oh, so you were asked what the capital of Bulgaria was.

Practise the game with a group of other students. Take it in turns to think of an answer to a quiz question. 


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