

Every summer there’s a ten-mile ‘Fun Run’ around Milchester for people who want to keep fit. Last year the organizers gave all the runners a list of rules. Sarah did the run last year, and she’s telling a friend what the rules were. Look at the rules and give Sarah’s words. Use tell or ask.


They asked US to arrive at the start between 1.45 and £15.

They told US to be there by 2.30 at the latest.

Milchester Fun Run

Rules for runners

Please arrive at the start between 1.45 and 2.15. You must be there by 2.30 at the latest.

Please do not park in the centre of Milchester. You must show your ticket.

You must wear your number on your shirt. Please wear running shoes.

You must not carry any bags or bottles during the run.

You must follow the correct route.

Please run on the left.

Please do not leave litter.


What does your English teacher like you to do? Say if he/she tells or asks you to do these things.

   work hard

   bring a dictionary to the English lesson

   write new words down in a vocabulary book

   listen to English programmes on the radio


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