
 One of Brenda Bagg’s stories is going to be made into a film. It’s a romantic comedy about a girl who works in a baker’s shop. The picture shows how Brenda imagines the scene at the start of the film. Complete her description of the scene for the film director. Put in some of these prepositions: above, across, along, at, behind, between, by, from, in, inside, near, off, on, opposite, out of, outside, round, through, to, towards, under, up. (Sometimes more than one answer is correct.)

Activity A

Describe your daily journey to school or work, giving full details of your route.

Activity B

Find a photo of an outdoor scene. (If possible, use a photo of your own.) Describe the photo using on the right/left, in the foreground/background, next to and other prepositions.

Activity C

Discuss possible methods of escaping from prison. These words may be useful: cell, bars, rope, wall, ladder, tunnel, hide, gate, guard, disguise.


Street scene. There are three shops.... the middle there is a baker’s, which is ... an antique shop and a toy shop. The toy shop is ... the right. There is a phone box ... the left... the corner of the street. A car is coming ... the corner. There is a man on a bike ... the car. There is also a car parked ... the baker’s. This car has a suitcase ... its roof. A woman is just stepping ... the pavement to walk ... the road. She has come ... the baker's. Two girls are standing ...

The baker’s. A window cleaner is climbing ... a ladder ... the window ... the toy shop. He has got a bucket... his hand. A woman is looking ... the window. A boy is walking ... the pavement... the ladder... the street corner. There is a man ... the antique shop looking ... an old telescope. There is a young man ... the phone box, and three people are standing ... the pavement waiting - a woman, a man and a boy. The boy is ... the back of the queue.       


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