
 Jubilee Road* is a weekly television programme telling a story of the lives of ordinary people. Every week the programme starts with a summary of what has been happening. The writer of this week’s summary has left out some important information, which the programme editor has noted below. Rewrite the summary and put in the missing information. Use non-defining relative clauses with who, whom, whose and which. (Sometimes more than one answer is correct.)


Laura, who hasn’t been feeling well lately, has gone to see the doctor.


Read these sentences from a guide book to London.


Sir Christopher Wren, who built 52 LonDon churches, is best known for St Paul’s Cathedral.

The Post Office Tower, which was completed in 1964, is 189 metres high.

Charles Dickens, whose house in Bloomsbury you can visit, was a famous novelist.


Write similar sentences about your home town or about a town you know well. Use non-defining relative clauses.

Phrasal verbs

Anthony Knight appears on the television programme ‘Newswatch’. He asks important questions about people and things in the news. Complete his questions using these phrasal verbs:


We’ve heard the government have postponed the decision. Why have they put it off?

The prisoners escaped, yes, but how did they get away?


1   Prices will rise. The question is, how much ... ?

2   Someone calculated these figures, but the government won’t say who ,...

3   The Prime Minister says he’s going to raise the question in Brussels, but when ... ?

4   We know the petrol tank exploded. Why... ?

5   So the government are going to increase taxes. Well, how much ... ?

6   The Council say they’re going to demolish the building, but why ... ?

7   The government say they discovered the mistake, but when... ?

8   The plan succeeded. Why ... ?


Write a short news report about a meeting between the management and the trade union at the Electrobrit factory. Use these notes: ask/put up/wages-prices/ go up-turn down/request-threaten/strike-go on/talk/ all day-agree/put off/strike-both sides/think over.



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