

II.        Choose the best option (A, B, c or D) for each of the following sentences. (2.5 pts.)

5.         The …………cheered as the team scored a goal.

            A. examinees         B. bands                    C. spectators             D. examiners

6.         We ………. wear helmets while riding a motorbike.

            A. should               B. don't have to        C. must                      D. would

7.         You can survive for weeks without food, but you can only survive a few days ………water.

            A. at                      B. without                  C. on                          D. with

8.         BL7050 has just arrived. The plane is still on the runway. Keep your           ………. fastened.

            A. shuttle              B. yellow sign           C. terminal                 D. seatbelts

9.         I ………my favorite band play live tonight. I am so excited.

            A. am going to watch           B. watch         C. go to watch           D. will be watched

10.       It's important to ………your room clean and organized.

            A. survive                  B. keep           C. find            D. stay

11.       Which one do you prefer, taking a bus or riding your motorcycle to work?

            A. Taking a bus would be an eco-friendly option.

            B. The bus number 8 is always late.

            C. I'm going to buy a new motorbike soon.

            D. I could ride a motorbike when I was 17.

12.       ……….I don’t like loud music. I will still go to the festival because my friends want to go.

            A. Therefore              B. So              C. However               D. Although

13.       If they don't work hard, they ……… the survival competition.

            A. win                        B. won't win  C. won                       D. is winning

14.       We love listening to music …….. the school concert ……… Saturday.

            A. of at                      B. on/ on       C. in/ at                      D. at/ on

III.      Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, c or D) for questions 15 and 16. (0.5 pt.) (Từ cáu 15 dên cáu 16. thỉ sinh viết máu tự (A. B. C. hoặc D) đại diện cho câu trả lời đúng vào phần /ANSWERS;

15.       What does this sign mean?

            A. This item must be thrown away.

            B. Non-renewable material.

            C. This item can be recycled.

            D. One-time watered bottle.

16.       What does this sign mean?

            A. You must be here before 11:0()

            B. We can let you in after 11:00.

            C. We are closed at 10:00.

            D. You don't have to arriv e at 11:00.

IV.      Read the follow ing passage. Decide if the statements from 17 to 20 are True or False, and choose the correct answers (A, B, c or D) for the questions 21 and 22. (1.5 pts.)

            Scientist Marie Curie made important discoveries in the area of radioactivity. She was bom in Poland in 1867. She went to France to study science and became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in physics. She later won another Nobel Prize in science for her work in finding the elements radium and polonium. Even though she was a woman working in an area dominated by men. Curie stayed committed to her work and kept making important contributions to science. She died in 1934 from being exposed to radiation, but she w ill alw ays be remembered as a leader in the field of nuclear science and a role model for scientists to come.

………..True/ False statements:

17.       Marie Curie made important discoveries in radioactivity.

18.       She W'as bom in France in 1867.

19.       Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in chemistry.

20.       Even though she was a woman. Marie Curie continued to make important advances to science.            

………..Choose the best answer:

21.       Where was Marie Curie bom? - She was bom in           .

            A. Poland      B. Germany   C. France      D. England

22.       Why did Marie Curie die? - Because of   .

            A. a heart attack                               B. a cancer

            C. an exposure to radiation            D. Old age

V.        Choose the word /phrase (A, B, c or D) that best fits the space in the following passage.

            Students can have a lot of fun when they          (23)     on the roads, but they should always put

            (24)     first. To avoid accidents and stay safe on the road, it's important to take the right steps.

            Always wearing your           (25)     while driving or riding in a car is one of the most important

safety tips. This can prevent severe injuries in case of an accident. Also, it's important for your safety' to follow' traffic laws and signals, like stopping at stop signs and red lights.

            Make sure you can be seen when you walk or ride a bike by wearing clothes that are bright or reflective and using lights or reflectors. Also, if you w ant to stay       (26)     and aw are of your

surroundings, don't use your phone or other devices while walking or riding a bike.

            Last but not least, it's important to pay     (27)     to your surroundings and trust your gut. Find a

safe place or ask for help if you don't feel good or safe.

            If you follow these safety’ tips, you can have a fun and safe trip       (28)     putting your own and other people's safety first.

23. A. rolls     B. fly               C. run             D. travel

24. A. safe     B. safety         C. unsafe      D. safely

25. A. think    B. helmet       C. seatbelt     D. wheel

26. A. alert     B. asleep       C. dull            D. bored

27. A. close    B. attention    C. focus         D. mind

28. A. so         B. but  C. while         D. because


VI.      Rearrange the groups of words in the correct order to make complete sentences.

29.       Solar energ} is producing sunlight / because the / renewable I sun never / stops /./

Solar energy is   .............      

30.       The invention / of the/ classical music/ changed the/ piano and violin/ sounds of /./

-> The invention .............                  

VII.     Use the correct form of words in the parentheses (1,5 pts.)

29.       The ............ atmosphere of the festival creates a memorable experience for all. [charm]

30.       The workshop has room for up to 50 ..............    . [participate]

31.       The  ..........   musicians put on an incredible show that impresses the crowd, [talent]

32.       We all .......... completed the marathon and raised the funding required, [success]

33.       Without water, humans can only .......... for a few days, [survival]

34.       Music has great ..............  in many cultures and societies, it can bring people together and express emotions. [ important]

VIII.   Rewrite the following sentences in another way so as it means almost the same as the one before it. (1.0 pt.)

37.       My family intends to travel abroad this summer vacation.

 My family is ..........          

38.       If s good to learn some transportation phrases in English.

You had ..........                                                   

39.       No car in this showroom is as big as this one.

This is the ..........

40.       If he doesn't hurry up, he'll be late for the beginning of the film.

 Unless  .........     


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