

II.        Choose the word / phrase/ sentence (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence or best answer the question. (2.5 pts)

1. The musician added some electronic melodics ……….his previous songs.

            A. from           B. about         C. for              D. to

2. We must take this ……… and move to terminal 2. The subway is there.

            A.shuttle        B. yellow sign           C. terminal     D. seatbells

3. John is a ……... He is trying his best to have muscles as strong as Ronnie's Coleman's.

            A. astronaut              B. bodybuilder          C. mathematician     D. programmer

4.         Today,  young people prefer the ……… of pop songs. They arc very catchy.

            A. lyrics          B. fusion        C. chorus       D. hits

5. I’ll sell some tickets if you want.

            A. That would be great, thanks.

            B. Nothing special.

            C. It's a bit too weird for me.

            D. I can't right now.


6. Minh: Why w as the year 2000 important? Lan:        

            A. Never mind.         

            B. Let's celebrate that year.

            C. Thanks. It is a good idea.          

            D. Because it was the start of the new millennium.

7. Anna doesn't play soccer as ……… as her brother.

            A. well                        B. good          C. best            D. better

8. You ……….. follow the safeguard's instructions in the swimming pool.

            A. must           B. mustn't      C. shouldn't  D. don't

9.         Mary first started ………. when she was fifteen.

            A. wrote          B. written       C. write           D. writing

10.       He is quite bossy ………. he doesn't listen to any one.

            A. or                B. but              C.and             D. For

III.      Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A. B, c or D) for questions 15 and 16.

15.       A. No entry for motor vehicles

            B. Give way to traffic

            C. Only cars and motorbikes allowed

            D. Ways for car and motorbikes

16.       A. Be careful! People are watching your step.

            B. You have to look at the way you step.

            C. You should be careful when you are walking.

            D. You have to look at your feet when you are walking.

IV.      Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 17 to 20 are True or False, and choose the correct answers (A, B, c or D) for the questions 21 and 22.

            The ability to make fire is also a survival skill both with and without fire lighting equipment. Training and practice of the skill is very important. The old saying is that you can survive three minutes w ithout air. three days w ithout w ater and three weeks w ithout food. Always carry plenty7 of water, learn all you can about water and its nature. Although we can use a mobile phone to send signals, it is necessary to carry with you a map and a mirror, a torch and a whistle to give signals.

17.       We can make fire with fire lighting equipment.

18.       We must learn and practice making a fire.

19.       Water is more important than food in a journey.

20.       We shouldn't cany some items necessary to give signals.

21.       You can survive without air in three ………       .

            A. months      B. weeks        C. days           D. minutes

22.       We can use a ……… give light signals.

            A. map            B. torch          C. knife          D. All are correct

V. Choose the word (A, B, c or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5pts)

            Agatha Christie was a British writer. She was bom (23)……….England in 1890 and (24) ……… there in 1976. She first started to write when she was sixteen. Later, when she was a nurse, she had the idea (25) ………a detective story and she published her first novel in 1920. She was a very shy person, (26) ………she was happier to stay in and write than to meet people. Agatha Christie (27)………. became one of the most popular writers in history . She wrote more than sixty novels, as well as plays and poetry, and sold more than two billion books. There are (28) ……..of her books in more than 100 languages. People love her works because the  characters and the mysteries are so interesting.

23. A. in         B. on   C. at    D. by

24. A. dead    B. die  C. death         D. died

25. A. with     B. of    C. for  D. under

26. A. but       B. so   C. and                        D. or

27. A. late      B. eventually             C. also            D. after that

28. A. comment        B. translations          C. readings   D. Selling


VI. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pts)

29.       How many contestants are there in the fire- making ………..?           (compete)

30.       A lot of famous ……… appeared long time ago.            (maths)

31.       A policeman was injured while he was ……… traffic in HCMC.        (direction)

32.       Her mother is an ……… woman at the age of 75.         (energy)

33.       Friendless and jobless, he wondered how he would ……… the year ahead. (survivor)

34.       The committee should make its ………  later this week.           (decide)

VII. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)

35.       Can you/ or a compass/ find your way/ a phone/ without using/?/

—> Can you ………………………….                                                                                                      

36.       The song/ raised more/ American famine/ than 60 million/ 1985/ dollars for/ victims in/./

—> The song …………………………                              

VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it. (1.0 pts)

37.She intends to make a video about Pop music.

—> She is going …………………………..                                  

38.       It's not possible for human to live without water in 3 days.

—> Human cannot  …………….. 

39.       Mary is the best students in her class.

—> No one in the class …………………….


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