

Class: 7/4

Name:Trần Ngọc Khánh Như


TEST REVIEW - FP7 - 2023 - 2024

I. Choose the best option (A, B, c or D) to complete each sentence. (3.0 pts)

I. Chọn phương án đúng nhất (A, B, c hoặc D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu. (3,0 điểm)

1. Emma's father needs to top ….. his mobile phone to make more calls to her.

    A. up  B. in   D. on

2. I like listening to most music,…. I'm not mad about Justin Bieber!

    A. and     B. but          C.or    D. for

3. Isaac was invited to have dinner at his close friend’s house …… Thanksgiving Day.

    A. at   B. from         C.on   D. in

4. We took part ….. the charity walk for Children in Need yesterday, and it was great fun.

    A. on  B. in   C.with D. for

5. ’Dad is late? Where is he?’ 'He’s …..the shops in town.'

    A. at   B. over         C.with D. on

6. There's a park ….. my house. But my dad has to take us there because crossing the road is dangerous.

    A. in front      B. next to      C.opposite    D. behind of

7. We took part ….. the charity walk for Children in Need yesterday, and it was great fun.

    A. on  B. in   C.with D. for

8. Guess what! My favorite band is performing at the club near my house ….. April 2nd. Would you like to come with me?

    A. in   B. at   C.on   D. about

8. 'Hello. Is your mum there?''Yes, she's here but she's ….. the phone to her sister.'

    A. on  B. in    D. with

9. 'Hello. Is your mum there?''Yes, she's here but she's_________ the phone to her sister.'

    A. on B. in c. at D. with

10. 'Where’s your home?' 'It's ….. the countryside about 10 km ….. here.'

    A. in / from    B. above I for I from    D. on / from

Text Box: D.at11. “Where’s Gemma?” - “She’s …..the playground with her brother.”

    A.. on     B.       in        C.       under

12. What do you often do ….. your free time?

    A. on    B. at     C, in     D. to

13.I don't mind being ….. the  bus.

    A. on            B.         in         C.        at         D. in front of

14. I am keen ….. being in front ….. the screen in my free time.

    A. on/of        B. in/of             C.of of             D. to/ of

15. Most teenagers spend hours ….. the phone even day.

    A. in B. at     C.with              D. on

16.   “Where is my mom. dad?" - "She's ….. the shop in town."

    A. at B. under          C.on                D. from

17.   Tomorrow the director will have a meeting …… 8:00 am to 10:00 am.

    A. among     B. between      C. from            D. in

18.       We ….. organize a charity car wash. It's an easy and fun way to raise money.

    A. shouldn't  B. need            C.should          D. would like

19.       Mai is a beautiful girl ……. Minh is better than her.

    A. but           B. or    C.until              D. However

20.       The staff left all the ….. in the wood boxes yesterday.

    A. celebration          B. exhibitions   C.battles          D. exhibits

21.       Instagram is one of the most popular  ….. among young people recently.

    A. poster      B.         story    C.        social media    D.        conversation

22. There ….. a battle at this square 100 hundred years ago.

    A. is B.         are       C.        was      D.        were

23. Many schools hold ….. every year because they are fun and give students a chance to show off their special skills, such as singing, dancing or doing magic tricks.

    A. school fairs          B.         car washes      C.        art shows         D. talent shows

24. Last summer, my class collected bottles and cans for ….. .

    A. recycling  B. raising up  D. reducing

25. We ….. at Hòa Bình theater tomorrow. My dad bought the tickets yesterday.

    A. going to watch a play      B. watch a play            C.will watch a play      D. are watching

26. Do you need the scissors to open the …… of juice?   

    A. can          B. carton          C.bag  D. glass

27. Fruit and vegetables are good for you because they provide ….. vitamins.

    A. lots of      B. much           C.few   D. a little

28. Ann is sending Sam a/an ….. message.                      

    A. quickly     B. instant         C.delicious      D. odorful

29. Could you ….., please? I can hardly hear you.            

    A. chat about           B. look at         C.speak up to

30. Does Anna often have ….. conversations with friends?           

    A. instant     B. social          C.face-to-face D. emoticon

31. We often go to the ….. to buy some clothes for holidays.        

    A. cinemas   B. shopping centers    C.stadiums      D. gyms

32. His friends usually ….. to music on his phone.             

                                                . listens      B. listen  listening    D. are listening

33. There …… a Picasso exhibition in the National Museum last week.   

    A. is B. are  C.was  D. were

34.   My sister is a big fan of Blackpink - a very famous K-pop girl band. She has all ……   and light sticks.

    A. them        B. her  C.its     D. their

35.   Last month, we ….. a lot of trees in the schoolyard. It was so much fun.

    A. are planting         B. plant            C.planted         D. are going to plant

36.   Every child has the …… to get an education.

    A. talent       B. activity         C.right D. event

37.   Many schools hold ….. every year because they are fun and give students a chance to show off their special skills, such as singing, dancing or doing magic tricks.

    A. school fairs          B. car washes shows     D. talent shows

38.   A(n) ….. is someone who does work without getting any money for it.

    A. charity     B. volunteer     C.organization D. community

39.   The main ….. of the cartoon Raya and the Last Dragon is Raya’s adventure to find all the pieces of a magical gem.

    A. plot          B. characters   C.stars             D. setting

40.   When you talk to somebody face-to-face, it's called a …..    

    A. conversation        B. discussion   C.speaking      D. talking

41.   Which word has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

    A. break       B. steak           C.pear             D. great

42.   Our dad ….. US to watch TV in the evening.

    A. bans        B. lets  C.allows          D. follows

43…… do you start school every morning?

    A. Which time          B. What time   C.When time   D. What times

44.   You don't always waste ….. when you do things quickly.

    A. time         B. book            C.cake             D. message

45.   She often posts messages on ……    .

    A. videos      B. social media            C.landlines      D. letters

46.   Dolphins usually …. different sounds.

    A. make make        C.are making      making

47.   Emojis are an  ….. language.

    A. internation           B. international            C.internationally          D. national

48.   At the moment, she ….. to a great song.

    A. listen        B. is listening   C.are listening             D. listens

49.   Mung doesn't like Hoang because he is …..  

    A. friend       B. friendly        C.friendless     D. unfriendly

50.   I prefer ….. funny programs on YouTube.

    A. watches B. to watching        D. watching

51. Peter is really ….. in games. He plays games on both computer and mobile phones.

    A. interest     B. interested C.interesting           D. interestingly

52. Eva really ….. cakes with her friends.        

    A. enjoy baking       B. enjoys baking      C.enjoys bake         D. wants baking

53. He usually ….. to school by bike.     

    A. is going     B. goes         C.go   D. went

54. Mike ….. Lucy an instant message now.    

    A. is sending           B. are sending         C.sends        D.sent

55. The students ….. to their teacher in class right now.       

    A. are listening        B. is listening           C.listen         D. listen

56. The woman often ….. lunch at 12 a.m.

    A. has B. have having    D. had

57. My parents …. on the sofa at the moment.

    A. sit   B. are sitting sitting     D. sat

58. My mother allows us ….. football outside after school.

    A. play          B. playing play       D. played

59. I ….. my homework on Saturday evenings. It's time to relax.

    A. doesn't have       B. don’t have C.hasn't got  D. have

60. How often does your brother …… online?

    A. play          B. meet        C.go   D. paint

61. Emojis are …. . People can communicate different ideas with them.

    A. ugly          B. colour       C.useful        D. difficult

62. I ….. the call because the phone line is bad.

    A. top up       B. hang up    C.speak up   D. learn

63. How often does your sister …. a text message?

    A. spend       B. give          C.send          D. lend

64. My sister really likes to …. photos on social media.

    A. copy         B. post          C.take D. lock

65. More and more Vietnamese people are ….. in learning English.

    A. happy       B. busy         C.interested            D. lost

66. Does Anna often have …… conversations with friends?

    A. instant      B. social        C.face-to-face         D. network

67. If you send a few words on your phone, you send a …..  .

    A. credit        B. text message      C.instruction            D. symbol

68. My mum and dad only ….. me watch TV when I finish all my homework.

    A. doesn't let B. let let         D. lets

69. In the 1920s, astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that there were many ….. beyond the Milky Way.

    A. invade      B. galaxies    C.victory       D. timeline

70. ….. any exciting animals in the museum.

    A. There was B. There wasn't       C.There were          D. There weren't    

71. Where do people ….. their time around the world?

    A. sleep        B. spend       C.have          D. go

72. My dad ….. phones when we are eating together at home.

    A. gets          B. lets C.spends      D. bans

73. ….. do you watch TV? - Well, just sometimes.

    A. Where      B. When       C.What         D. How often

74. She often posts her pictures on …..  .

    A. videos      B. social media        C.conversation        D. letters

75. Does he often have ….. conversations with friends?

    A. face-to-face        B. instant        D. creative

76. Minh "What are you doing today?"- “ ….”

    A. Nothing much     B. Yes, see you     C. I am free today D. A and C are correct

77. A: “llow about going to the cinema tonight?”

    A. It sounds great    B. I don’t think so    C.I am free today    D. A and c are correct

78.     A: “Congratulation! You win the match" -> B: “…..”

    A. Of course B. You're so kind     C.You’re welcome   D. Thank you

79.     “Thanks for inviting me”. “…..”

    A. It’s my pleasure  B. Thank you          C.Good idea           D. I’m welcome

80.     Minh: How about carrying an ID card? Lan: ……        

    A. Never mind.        B. Thanks.    C.Why not?   D. Good idea.

81.     Sarah: How was your weekend? Mark: ……

    A. Not bad, thanks. B. Me, too.    C.That’s a good idea.

82.     Student A: I really enjoy classical musiC.Student B:   

    A. So do 1.   B.‘No, I'm not. It’s so boring, C.No, I won't. I prefer pop. D. I am, too.

83.     Nam: Why don’t we go to the cinema? There's a good film on this week. - Hoa: “

    A. Yes, I do   B. No, I don’t C.That sounds like a good idea. D. No, thanks.

84.     Student A: How much butter do we need? Student B: …..    

    A. Maybe one or two. B. About 100 g.    C.Not many. D. A bunch.

85.     Person A: How much pasta would you like? Person B: , please. I’m not very hungry.

    A. Much        B. Just a few C.Just a little           D. A lot

86.     Mark: Hi, Andy. It’s Mark. - Andy: Oh. hi!          …..

    A. How are thing.    B. Good, thanks.     C.How are things?   D. Yes. Why?

87.     Grace: What do you want to do? - Maya:         …..

    A. Let's start now    B. I doesn't know     C.I don't know                   D. Yeah

88.     “Why don't we go for a bike ride?” - …..

    A. OK, that’s a good idea. B. No, I don't.          C.You’re welcome. D. Not at all

89.     Hoa: “Why don’t we go to the cinema? There's a good film on this week.”- Lan: “…..”    

    A. That sounds like a good idea!  B.       How about going into town?         C.No, thanks.         D.       Because I'm very busy

90.     Tuan: “ What are you doing, Bao?"- Bao: “…...”

    A. I'd like to come, but I can't right now  

    B. Ok. See you later.

    C.Nothing special. I'm doing my homework       

    D.  Let's start now

III. Look at the signs. Choose the best answers (A, B, c or D) for questions 15 and 16. (0.5 pt)

III. Nhìn vào các dấu hiệu. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất (A, B, c hoặc D) cho câu hỏi 15 và 16. (0,5 điểm)

1. What do these signs mean?    

A. Eat and drink here.

B. Do not smoke here.

C.Do not enter here.

D. Keep this area litter free.

2. What do these signs mean?    

A. The road ahead is narrow.

B. The road ahead is wide.

C. The road ahead is slippery.

D. The road ahead is stuck.

3. What do these signs mean?    

A. You can take photos in this place.

B. You can't play video games here,

C. You can watch films here.

D. You mustn’t take photos here.

4. What do these signs mean?    

A. You should save time.

B. You shouldn't save time.

C.You should spend time.

D. You shouldn't buy a clock.

5. What do these signs mean?    

A. Pedestrian Crossing

B. Slippery Road

C. You must sit down

D. In the hospital

6. What do these signs mean?

A. You must use the elevator when there is a fire inside the building.

B. You are not allowed to walk down the stairs in case of fire.

C. If there is a tire inside the building, walk to the elevator.

D. You can only use the stairs to escape in case of fire


7. What do these signs mean?

A. Children can enter this place alone.

B. Children can’t play in this area.

C. Only children can enter this place.

D. Children can't enter this area without their parents.


8.       What do these signs mean?

A. The soup kitchen delivers free meals every day.

B. Volunteers have to work from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

C. There are two shifts for volunteers to choose.

D. Volunteers will work on the weekends from 11.45 a.m. to 2 p.m.


9.       What do these signs mean?

A. Do not pass.

B. Do not park here.

C. No passenger.

D. You can park here



10. What do these signs mean?

A. The film is on at 10 p.m.

B. You have to pay for popcorn.

C. It’s cheaper to buy tickets before 28 May.

D. The movie theater is in the East.


11. What does the sign mean?

A. Don't use the lift when there is a fire.

B.  You shouldn't use the lift unless there is a fire,

C. If there is a fire, people will use the lift.

D. Don't use the lift, or there will be a fire


12. What does this sign mean?

A. Please put trash in.

B. Don't be a litterbug.

C. Do not throw trash.

D. A, B. C are correct



13. What does this sign mean?

A. You can park here.

B. You can't park here

C. You can't stop here.

D. You can't park and stop here.


14. What does this sign mean?

A. You must push someone in this place.

B. Watch your steps.

C. It's very dangerous if you push someone in this place.

D. You cannot bring your dogs or cats into this place.


15. What does this sign mean?

A. Use symbols like emojis

B. Face - to face conservations

C. Send a text message

D. Send a letter


16 What does this sign mean?

A. Dance show is on Saturday.

B. Dance show begins at 1:30.

C. We must pay £10 to enjoy dance show.

D. We will spend £10 buying a DVD in the show.


17. . What does this sign mean?

A. We can't book tickets before going to the cinema.

B. We can change tickets after booking.

C. We can't change seats after booking tickets.

D. We don’t need to change seats after booking.

IV. Read the passage and choose A, B, c or D that best fits the space from 17 to 22. (1.5 pts)

IV. Đọc đoạn văn và chọn A, B, c hoặc D phù hợp nhất với chỗ trống từ 17 đến 22. (1,5 điểm)


     Hi Ethan,

Last week, 1(1)…. in a color run in my city. It was a fundraising event for disabled children.

More than two thousand people joined the event. It was a 5K run, and there were five stations around the track. Volunteers threw color powder at (2) …..when they made their way through each station. The

powder was cornstarch, so it was natural and safe. The (3) ….. part was the colored gel - it was cold

and wet and coming at the runners from huge water guns. Runners started out wearing white T-shirts, and by the end of the run, they were covered in colors of red, green, purple and orange. It looked quite crazy, dirty and messy, (4) … was super fun. After the run, there was a big music party (5) ….. DJs and

rock bands. It was so amazing. A color run is definitely something to do with friends. I want to do another one soon. Would you like (6) …..?

See you,


1. A. had

B. went

C.took part

D. organized

2. A. participants

B. participation


D. participating

3. A. most

B. most interested

C.more exciting

D. best

4. A. because

B. but


D. So

5. A. in

B. with


D. for

6. A. coming

B. come come

D. to coming

38. C ( take part in)
39. D giới từ + ing
40. B ( phần thú vị nhất)
41. But (nhưng)
42. D ( would you like + to V)



These are the results of our survey on what people do (1)…..lunchtime at school . The

results are from interviews with ten students, everybody (2)…..our group listens to music, but

only a few people play an (3)… the guitar.

More than half of the group meet friends in the playground. (4)…... nobody stays in the

classroom. Half of the people post messages on social media, but less than half of the students use (5) ….. messaging now. Only two people go to the library, but more people probablv like reading books (6)… isn't lunchtime.

1.         A. with

B. over

D. on

2.         A. in

B. between


D. on

3.         A. email

B. instrument


D. emoji

4.         A. why

B. when long

D. however

5.         A. instant

B. text social


D. face-to-face

6.         A. what time

B. I low


D. however




YOUR WEEKEND (Bai 6 sgk)

George: Hey, Peter. (1) ….. was your weekend?

Peter: Not bad, thanks. I played volleyball and then I went shopping. I bought this red sports bag. What do you think?

George: It (2)          ….. really cool. I got a new bag, too.

Peter: When was that?

George: Three weeks (3) …... But nobody noticed.

Peter: Oh no! What about you? What did you (4) … the weekend?

George: I went to a football match.

Peter: Oh, right. What (5)… like?

George: It wasn't (6)……. My team lost 7-0 and I missed the bus on the way home.

Peter: Oh dear!

George: Yeah. I think you had a much better weekend!

1. A. What      

B. Why


D. How

2. A. look        

B. looks


D. lookes

3. A. before    

B. earlier         


D. ago

4. A. do           

B. go   


D. stay

5. A. was        

B. were           


D. is

6. A. horrible

B. cruel           


D. kind


Hướng dẫn giải

1. b

2. c

3. b

4. c

5. b

6. c

7. a

8. c

Hướng dẫn dịch:

George: Này, Peter. Cuối tuần của bạn như thế nào?

Peter: Không tệ, cảm ơn. Tôi chơi bóng chuyền và sau đó tôi đi mua sắm. Tôi đã mua chiếc túi thể thao màu đỏ này. Bạn nghĩ sao?

George: Nó rất tuyệt, tôi cũng có một chiếc túi mới.

Peter: Khi nào vậy?

George: Ba tuần trước. Nhưng không ai để ý.

Peter: Ồ không! Còn bạn thì sao? Bạn đã làm gì vào cuối tuần?

George: Tôi đã tham dự một trận đấu bóng đá.

Peter: Ồ, đúng. Nó thế nào?

George: Nó không xuất sắc. Đội của tôi đã thua 7-0 và tôi đã lỡ xe buýt trên đường về nhà.

Peter: Ôi chao!

George: Vâng. Tôi nghĩ rằng bạn đã có một ngày cuối tuần tốt hơn nhiều!



Parents want their kids to be (1)…. Are teenagers safer with a mobile phone or 
(2)…..? Many parents want (3)…… children (4)          ….. a phone so that they can be in contact at any time or in any place. On the other hand, for (5)…… parents a phone is a source of possible (6)…... Parents worry that their child may meet the wrong kind of ‘friends’ (7)….. social networking sites or that they might receive cruel messages from school friends. Some parents have (8)….. about their children’s mobile phone and internet usage; and bad behaviour can (9)….. in taking away of mobile phones.

The great thing about my kids having mobile phones is that I can keep (10)….. touch with them.

The worst thing about teenagers having phones is that some young people use them to send upsetting messages to each other.

A teenager feels lost (11)….. a phone. If my daughters behave badly, 1 take their phones away

and their behaviour quickly improves.

1.         A. safety

2.         A. on

3.         A. her

4.         A. have

5.         A. lots of

6.         A. danger

7.         A. in

8.         A. messages

9.         A. result

10.       A. in

11.       A. with

B. safely

B. without

B. his

B. to have

B. lot of

B. endanger

B. rules

B. draw

B. on

B. without




C.a lot







D. safeness

D. in

D. our

D. has

D. a lots of

D. dangerously

D. on

D. ways

D. bring


D. into


SMALL CHANGES FOR A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Do you eat healthy food? No? It's time to start! You should have three to five meals a day, including (1)….. fruit and vegetables, and drink eight glasses of water a day - that’s about two liters a day. You can even make a delicious drink with the fruit you like. It’s (2)….. vitamins. You should start exercising, and you will feel great. It can be expensive to work out at the gxm. and sometimes you don't have much free time to go, but there are other types of (3)….. you can do easily. On weekdays, you can ride a bike or walk to school. After school, don't sit (4)….. the TV. You should do physical activities around the house or in the garden, such as sweeping the floor or watering the plants. Or you can (5)…. to your favorite music and dance to it. That’s exercising, too. Moreover, it's good to hang out with your friends (6) ….. the weekends and have fun. Spending time with people you love gives you more energy.

1. A. much      

B. little

C. lots of         

D. any

2. A. important

B. full of          

C. containing  

D. giving

3. A. homework           

B. exercise     

C. films           

D. housework

4. A. behind    

B. next to        

C. opposite to 

D. in front of

5. A. listen      

B. listens        

C. listening     

D. listened

6. A. on           

B. in    

C. for  

D. along

V. Read the follow ing passage. Decide if the statements from 23 to 26 are True or False, and choose the correct answer (A, B, c or D) for the questions ... and          (1.5 pts)

V. Đọc đoạn văn sau. Quyết định xem các câu từ 23 đến 26 là Đúng hay Sai và chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B, c hoặc D) cho các câu hỏi ... và           (1,5 điểm)


Christmas is the biggest festival of the year in Britain. Celebrations start properly on December 24, Christmas Eve, although there have been several weeks of preparation beforehand. The Christmas tree and all the presents, food, drinks, and decorations have been bought. Christmas cards have already been sent to friends and relations. About a week before Christmas, people usually put up their decorations and decorate the Christmas tree with lights, various colored decorations and an angel on the top. Family presents are usually put under the tree. Christmas Day is the biggest day of the holiday. On the Christmas morning (often very early), children open the presents that are in their socks. Some families go to church. The traditional Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey with potatoes and various other vegetables. Before the dinner people usually pull crackers - small rolls of paper that have gifts, jokes, and party hats inside.

1.       People usually decorate the Christmas tree several weeks before Christmas.

2.       The most important day of the holiday is December 25th (Christmas Day).

3.       The traditional Christmas dinner only has roast turkey.

4.       Crackers are Christmas cards that have already been sent to friends and relations.

5.       What is the passage about?

          A. Christmas Eve     B. Christmas dinner    C. Christmas cards     D. Christmas

6.       What can be untrue from the passage?

          A. Christmas is the biggest festival of the year in Britain.

          B. Christmas Day in on December 24.

          C. People go to church on Christmas morning.

          D. People usually enjoy roast turkey for Christmas dinner.


       Girl Scouts of the USA is the largest organization for girls in the world. Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low organized the first group of Girl Scouts on March 12th, 1912. She wanted to give girls the opportunity to get out of the house and help their community. Girl Scouts of the USA started with 18 members. Today, there are about 2.5 million girl and adult members worldwide. The girls work on a variety of projects. Simple projects may involve sewing, or collecting toys for kids who live in shelters. Other community services for older girls includes volunteering at a soup kitchen, planting trees, doing car washes or cleaning up litter in their community. Girl Scouts is famous for raising money by selling delicious Girl Scout cookies. The girls bake cookies at home with their mums volunteering as an advisor. The organization believes that selling cookies helps Girl Scouts practice life skills like teamwork and money management. When they complete goals, they earn badges for their work which they wear on their sashes.

7.       There were 18 girls joining the first Girl Scouts group.

8.       Girl Scouts members do different community services.

9.       To raise money, the girls sell cookies that their mothers make.

10.     Girl Scouts raised a lot of money by selling cookies.

11.     What does the passage mainly discuss?

          A. health       B. community services       C. exercise    D. sleeping

12.     How many simple activities do the young girls can take part in ?

          A. one         B. two     C. three         D. four


Sitting on the sofa, Anna is sending Lucy an instant message. But Anna isn't using real words or writing real sentences. Like other young people, they're communicating with small, colorful pictures - emojis. You can find creative emoji T-shirts, posters, videos, stories and songs. Emojis are everywhere, but where are they from and why are they so popular?

The emoji inventor, Shigetaka Kurita, is from Japan, and 'emoji' in Japanese means picture (e) and letter (moji). Now over a thousand emojis with different skin colors show' people and ideas from many cultures, not only Japan. They are becoming a truly international language.

Emojis and emoticons can show our feelings. When we aren't speaking face-to-face, it’s important to see if a message is sad. silly, funny or happy. So emojis are useful, but they mostly add a bit of fun and color to our lives. We really love them.


*         Read the passage. Then write True or False (1.0 pt.)

13.     Lucy is reading a message made of emoticons. …………..

14.     There are emojis about clothes.                       ………….

15.     The people and faces in the new emojis use a lot more colours.      ………..

16.     Emojis don't help with communication.              ……………..


*         Choose the best answer: (0,5 pt.)

17.     Who invented the emojis?

          A. Columbus B. A. G. Bell  c. Henri Farman

18.     Do the emojis show only Japanese cultures?

          A. No, they do.        B. No, they don’t.    c. Yes, they do.




These are the results of our survey on exam preparation. There are 26 students in our class, but the results are from interviews with 20 of them.

In the previous exams, all the 20 students passed the exams, but only 6 of them got high grades.

In the survey, almost everyone is studying for the school exams next week. However, a few of them do not seem to be ready.

Most of the students study for two hours every night, but some students spend only one hour. Our school exams are often harder than others. However, only a few students in our class feel worried about them. Why? Maybe they are good students.

The students may be good. However, they should try their best not only to pass the exams but also to surpass themselves.

19.     In the previous exams, only 6 of the 26 students passed the exams got high grades.

20.     Good students should try their best not only to pass the exams but also to surpass themselves.

21.     All students in the class feel worried about school exams. Maybe they are good students.

22.     The results are from interviews with 20 of 26 students in our class.

23.     What does almost e\erxone mean?

          A. interviews B. results      c. exams       D. students

24.     Do only a few students in the class feel worried about them?

          A. Yes. they are.     B. Yes, they do.      c. No. they aren't.    D. No, they don't.



Children under age of six watch an average of about two hours of screen media a day, mainly TV and DVDs. Children and teenagers from eight to eighteen spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and two more hours on the computer and playing video games.

Children watching too much TV can become fat, violent, have less energy and a harder time at school. Children won't turn off the television, but they should choose suitable programmes. Parents should provide necessary materials: books to read, board games, art or sporting equipment.

The TV is usually on during dinner, that’s too bad because your most important family conversation will happen during the family dinner. It's a good idea when there is no TV set in the bedroom, and the children agree.

25.     Children watching too much TV is very harmful.                    ……………..

26.     Parents should choose some suitable programmes for their children.          ………….     

27.     All children study well when they watch TV a lot.         ………….               

28.     Parents should buy a big TV set in the bedroom.        …………      

29.     According to the passage, all the followings are true EXCEPT that:

          A.       Children and teenagers from 8 to 18 spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen.

          B.       Turning TV on during dinner is bad.

          c. Children of all ages must watch TV.

          D. Parents should buy books for their children to read instead of watching TV.

30.     What is the main idea of the passage?

          A.       Watching too much TV is harmful.

          B.       TV is very expensive.

          c. Every family should buy TVs.

          D.TV can't make children fat



       It is estimated that about 200 million people who use the Internet computer network around the world. Most people use the Internet to get information or for entertainment. A new study, however, says that almost 6% of internet users are using it so often that it is seriously harming their lives. The study says these people may find it difficult to stop using the internet because they have become addicted. Someone who is addicted finds it extremely difficult to stop an activity. According to Mr. Greenfield, a psychologist, 30% of internet users say that they use the internet to escape from problems or emotions. The study also shows that having discussions with strangers in internet areas called ‘Ahat rooms” is one of the most addictive activities.


* True or False

31.     Most people like to go on the internet for information or for entertainment.

32.     It’s estimated about 200 million people get access to the Internet every year.

33.     Someone who is addicted to the Internet spends just a little time going on it.

34.     William is worried about kids having bad messages to their friends.


* Choose the correct answers (A, B, c or D)

35.     Some people use the Internet to get away from their …… situation.

          A. happy       B. interesting c. exciting     D. unpleasant

36…..  of internet users are using it so often that it is seriously harming their lives.

          A. 9% B. 8% c. 7%  D. 6%


VI. Use the correct form of words in the parentheses. (Ĩ.5 pts)

VI. Sử dụng dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc. (Ĩ.5 điểm)

1.       The school drama club gave a  …. of Romeo and Juliet last week. (perform) (performance)

2.       The dog was very ….. so I did not          want to go near it.   (friend) (unfriend)

3.       The soldiers were    awarded medals for their …. In the battle. (brave) (bravery)

4.       Nobody in the group ….. the environment websites which are in other languages, (visitor) (visits)

5.       Thomas Edison is    one of the     world’s greatest       .         (invent) (inventor)

6.       You should eat ….. every day and you shouldn’t skip breakfast.      (proper) (properly)

7.       My mum is a great cook. She can make …..  dishes, such as Spanish omelet or lemon chicken, (taste) (tasty)

8.       Little things you do can have an ….. impact on the society.   (amaze) (amazing)

9.       I took part in a park ….. yesterday. The park looked beautiful after we finished, (clean) (clean up)

10.     John couldn't sleep last night, so he had a terrible ….. this morning. He had to take medicine, (head) (headache)

11.     These students spend all the time  ….. before the test. (learn) (learning)

12.     Our family don't ….. with our neighbours as much as we used to. (social) (socialize)

13.     The orchestra is very important for the …. life of the city. (culture) (cultural) 

14.     I'm afraid these shoes are not very …. . Try another pair. (comfort)  (comfortable)

15.     As people recognize the benefits of organic foods. Their … increasing. (popular) (popularty)

16.     They provide all the ….. equipment for workers in this building.        ( safe) ( safety)

17.     These students spend many hours ….. before their tests.     (study) (studing)

18.     Having a ….. lifestyle is very important.  (heath) (heathy)

19.     Folk music is ….. music of a country or a group of people.   (tracdition) (tracdition?)

20.     We leave the cinema early because that movie is so …….    (bore) (boring)

21.     Nick and Lucy ….. their homework every night. (not finish) (don't finish)

22.     I like ….. photos. I don't like black and white picture.   (color)  (colorful)

23.     The …. were very pleased and one of them posted a video of the rescue online, (rescue) (rescuers)

24.     Nick is a very creative person. He likes ……, singing and drawing.   (write) (writing)

25.     …. . at about eleven o'clock, everyone went home.     (final)  (finally)

26.     Lan and Lien arc twins but they always act ….. (differ) (differently)

27.     Ba is a stamp collector. He          ….. a lot of stamps all over the world.          (collect) (collects)

28.     “ Cờ đỏ sao vàng” is the ….. flag of Viet Nam.  (nation)  (national)

29.     A torch is definitely a useful item of ….. when you go camping.        (equip) (equipement)

30. The trip to the amusement park was a …… experience for the children, (memory)

31. ……, the English Proficiency Index in Viet Nam will be higher in years to come, (hope) (hopefity ?)

32.     I…..  the beautiful artwork displayed at the museum last week.          (admiration) (admired)

33.     We are having a fantastic …..for my sister's birthday this evening.          (celebrate) (celebration)

34.     The comedian's jokes were so ….. that we fell asleep.          (bore) (boring)

35.     We need to have a face-to-face …….(converse) (conversation)

36.     I am ….in playing video games.   (interest) (interested)

37.     Sarah’s mom allows her …. video games in two hours. (play) (to play)


VII. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)

VII. Sắp xếp lại các nhóm từ theo đúng thứ tự để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh. (0,5 điểm)

1.       My sister / while / taking photos / really enjoys / traveling /./ 

(Chị gái tôi / trong khi / chụp ảnh / thực sự thích / du lịch /./)

=> ……………….My sister really enjoys traveling while taking photos.

2.       the inventor of / Kurita, / is from/ the emoji, / Japan /./ 

(Người phát minh/ Kurita/  đến từ / biểu tượng cảm xúc/ là người Nhật Bản.)

=> ………………The inventor of the emoji, Shigetaka Kurita, is from Japan.

3.       Matt / pop music / relax/ always listen to / when he want to/

(Matt / nhạc pop/ để thư giãn/ luôn nghe/ khi anh ấy muốn.)


Matt always listens to pop music when he wants to relax.

( Dấu hiệu nhận biết: always → Hiện tại đơn
(+) S + V(s/es) + ...
- want to V: muốn...)

4. Rebecca/ folk music/ love listening to/ in herfree time /./

=>Rebecca loves listening to folk music in her free time.

(- Hiện tại đơn: (+) S + V(s/es) + ...
- love + V-ing: yêu thích làm gì đó
Tính từ sở hữu (my/ his/ her/...) + N)

5.       We should /poor students /. / ask/ to donate/ our parents / old clothes/ / for the

(Chúng ta nên/ học sinh nghèo/ yêu cầu / đóng góp/ bố mẹ chúng ta/ quần áo cũ /của .)

=>We should ask our parents to donate old clothes for the poor students.
Chúng ta nên yêu cầu cha mẹ của chúng ta quyên góp quần áo cũ cho học sinh nghèo.]

−- should ++ V(Inf): nên làm gì
−- asked SO to V: yêu cầu ai đó làm gì đó
−- donate sth for SO
: quyên góp cái gì đó cho ai đó             

6.       as their/ people/ speak English/ More than/ 350 million/ mother tongue/ around the world /. /

(của họ /người/  nói tiếng Anh/ hơn 350 triệu / làm ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ / trên khắp thế giới/)


7.       ideas with them // Emojis are // communicate different // useful /./ People /./ 

=> Emoji are useful. People communicate different ideas with them.
−- HTĐ: S + am/is/are + adj
−- communicate with: giao tiếp với

8.       you send / A card / to a person / is something / or a special day/ on their birthday /. /

(Bạn gửi/ một lá thư/ đến một người/ là điều gì đó/  trong ngày đặc biệt/ sinh nhật của họ.)

=> …………..

9.       / a lot of time / watching TV / do you spend / Why / every day / ? /

( rất nhiều thời gian/ xem TV/ bạn dành/ hàng ngày/ Tại sao /?/)


10.     about / pop music / mad / She isn't /. /


11.     What /tonight /going to /about /the music concert /?/

( Là gì/ tối hôm nay/ đến / chương trình nhạc?)


12.     allows/ to use/ me/ her computer/ My sister/./

(Cho phép tôi sử dụng máy tính của cô ấy. Chị gái tôi.)


13.     builds trust / and strong / Honest communication / relationships /./

(Tháp Eiffel đã đến Paris và thăm vào hè năm ngoái.)


14.     the Eiffel Tower /. /  travelled to Paris / and Visited / Last summer, I

(Tháp Eiffel/. /đã đi đến Paris/và đã thăm /Hè năm ngoái.)


15.     keen on / in her / She is/ front of / being in/ free time / the screen/./

(quan tâm đến / ở cô ấy / Cô ấy/ ở phía trước / ở trong/ thời gian rảnh / màn hình/./)


16. we buy / Why don’t/ tickets before / the cinema/ going to /?/

(chúng tôi mua / Tại sao không/ vé trước / rạp chiếu phim/ đi /?/)

=> ………….


VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another wav so that it means almost the same as the sentence primed before it. (1.0 pt)

VIII. Viết lại mỗi câu sau đây bằng một cách khác sao cho nghĩa gần giống với câu đứng trước nó. (1,0 điểm)

1. Henry is Mr. Brown's soil.

=> Mr. Brown is …………..          .

2. I will always remember my last birthday. => I will …………..

3. It's important to sleep seven to eight hours a night. => You should (You should sleep seven to eight hours a night.)

 Cấu trúc :

It's important to + V = S + should + V_inf : Nó quan trọng để bạn làm gì đó = bạn nên làm gì đó

4. Let's have a craft fair to raise money for children with special needs. => How having …..

5. I like pop music more than hip hop.

=> I prefer …………

6. My house is behind the sports center.

=> he sports center …………..

7.  It's important to sleep seven to eight hours a night.

=> You should …………

8. Lan left the class early because she had a headache. => Why ………

9. Their business was different, but it was meaningful. => Although ……..

10. Which places do you go at the weekend?

=> Where ………..

11. We went to the cinema after we had dinner. => We had ……..

12. My daughter enjoys going for a walk every morning.

=> My daughter is ………….        .

13. I also enjoy meeting my friends in the park. (LIKE)

14. Peter enjoys making vlogs in his free time.

=> Peter is …………….     .

15.     He is interested in using emojis to communicate with his friends.

=> He always likes/loves/enjoy ………… .

16.     We like listening to music more than chatting online.

=> We prefer          …………….

17.     Mary is into chatting with her friends.

=> Mary enjoys …………. 

18.     Peter likes skateboarding.

=> Peter is fond of / keen on /interested in /into          …………...

19.     He enjoys playing soccer.

=> He is fond of / into / interested in/ keen on ……………    

20.     How many classroom has your school got?

=> How many classrooms are …………?

21.     Hoa runs slowly.

=> Hoa is ……………...

22.     Eating too much fatty food is not good for your health.

=> It is not good …………….

23.     My dad lets me stay in bed late at the weekends.

=> My dad allows …………...

24.     Teenagers love using emojis in message to show their feeling.

=> Teenagers are interested  ………...

25.     My mother spends about 2 hours cooking meals for my family.

=> It takes …………..

26.     My mother spends about 2 hours cooking meals for my family.

=> It takes ……………...

27.     It takes me 2 hours to finish my homework.

=> 1 spend …………..

28.     It takes my father two hours to fly from Ho Chi Minh city to Ha noi

=> My father spends …………...

29.     It takes her two hours a day to build models.

=> She spends………..

30.     My mother often spends about 2 hours cooking meals for my family.

=> It takes ………...

31.1 think we should put “Run For Fun"’ on the poster.

=> Why don’t we ………….

32. What about going shopping at Binh Tan Aeon Mall on Saturday?

=> Why don't          …………...

33.     Shall we go for a bike ride in the park this afternoon?

=> How about ………..?

34.     Shall we go for a walk in the park?

=>What about ……….?

35.     How about making some posters about healthy living?

=> Let’s ………..

36.     Let's go to the park for a picnic.

=> How about ………?

37.     Why don't we have dinner together before going to the cinema?

=> How about ……….?


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