
Câu 1: . __________ are emojis from?

  • Where
  • When
  • Who
  • Why

Câu 2: My mother’s at the shops. We need lots of food ___the party.

  • for
  • in
  • from
  • of

Câu 3: My sister really likes to _____ photos on social media.

  • write
  • post
  • take
  • text

Câu 4: My dad often have face-to-face ____ with his friends.

  • phones
  • landlines
  • conversations
  • emojis

Câu 5: My sister has got a computer in her ___________.

  • room
  • blog
  • game
  • center

Câu 6: . Emojis show ideas from many ______, not only Japan

  • feelings
  • cultures
  • lives
  • inventors

Câu 7: Her husbandoften_______ the dishes in the evenings

  • wash
  • is washing
  • washes
  • are washing

Câu 8: How often do you____________ a text message?

  • give
  • call
  • send
  • meet

Câu 9: My mom________ in the kitchen at the moment

  • cooks
  • / is cooking
  • cook
  • are cooking

Câu 10: We _______________ our test now.

  • doing
  • is doing
  • do
  • are doing
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