
Câu 1: . I ______ friends after school.

  • doesn’t
  • don’t
  • aren’t
  • am not

Câu 2: His friends ________ to music on his phone.

  • listens
  • to listen
  • listen
  • listening

Câu 3: . I like Maths, ______________ I don’t like History.

  • too
  • and
  • also
  • but

Câu 4: There are alot of books in the__________________.

  • café
  • park
  • cinema
  • library

Câu 5: . Our school doesn’t ______ food in the science labs.

  • listen
  • allow
  • watch
  • play

Câu 6: Does he often have ____conversationswith friends?

  • instant
  • social
  • creative
  • face-to-face

Câu 7: Emojis are becoming a truly _____ language.

  • international
  • international
  • creative
  • funny

Câu 8: . _________ does your father listen to music? – In the evening.

  • When
  • Where
  • Why
  • Who

Câu 9: My brother likes staying in _________.

  • room
  • bed
  • sofa
  • phone

Câu 10: . ________ time do you get up on Saturdays?

  • When
  • What
  • How much
  • How
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