
Câu 1: My nan ______________ TV every day.

  • watch
  • watching
  • is watching
  • watches

Câu 2: Everybody listens to songs in English. ________ , Songs in English are more difficult to understand.

  • too
  • and
  • however
  • also

Câu 3: He _______________ the videos in his free time.

  • costs
  • makes
  • collects
  • bakes

Câu 4: He usually use _______ like emoticons and emojis in messages.

  • letters
  • symbols
  • messages
  • cards

Câu 5: There some parksin the city.

  • There some parksin the city.
  • is
  • am
  • be

Câu 6: Where do people _____ their time around the world?

  • sleep
  • have
  • spend
  • go

Câu 7: My dad _____ phones when we’re eating together at home.

  • gets
  • bans
  • lets
  • spends

Câu 8: He’s older and he ______ more.

  • don’t study
  • studies
  • doesn’t study
  • study

Câu 9: Some students________ school at 5 p.m.

  • finishes
  • to finish
  • finish
  • finishing

Câu 10: . My mum _______ much.

  • work
  • to work
  • doesn’t work
  • don’t work
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