
Chọn phương án đúng nhất (A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu. (3,0 điểm)

Câu 1: Instagram is one of the most popular ….. among young people recently.

  • poster
  • story
  • conversation
  • social media

Câu 2: There ….. a battle at this square 100 hundred years ago.

  • is
  • are
  • was
  • were

Câu 3: Many schools hold ….. every year because they are fun and give students a chance to show off their special skills, such as singing, dancing or doing magic tricks.

  • school fairs
  • talent shows
  • car washes
  • art shows

Câu 4: Last summer, my class collected bottles and cans for ….. .

  • raising
  • recycling
  • cleaning up
  • reducing

Câu 5: We ….. at Hòa Bình theater tomorrow. My dad bought the tickets yesterday.

  • will watch a play
  • going to watch a play
  • watch a play
  • are watching

Câu 6: Fruit and vegetables are good for you because they provide ….. vitamins.

  • much
  • few
  • lots of
  • a little

Câu 7: Ann is sending Sam a/an ….. message.

  • quickly
  • instant
  • delicious
  • odorful

Câu 8: Could you ….., please? I can hardly hear you.

  • chat about
  • speak up
  • look at
  • talk to

Câu 9: Does Anna often have ….. conversations with friends?

  • instant
  • social
  • face-to-face
  • emoticon

Câu 10: We often go to the ….. to buy some clothes for holidays.

  • cinemas
  • stadiums
  • shopping centers
  • gyms

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