
 In this story, a British government agent is following a man who he thinks is a spy. Rewrite the sentences under the pictures using an -ing form or a perfect -ing form


 He left the office carrying a briefcase.

Crossing the road, he bought a newspaper.

Having looked at an inside page, he started walking along Oxford street.

When he left the office, he was carrying a briefcase.

He crossed the road and bought a newspaper.

After he had looked at an inside page, he started walking along Oxford Street.

1.  As he was hurrying along the street, he suddenly stopped outside a travel agency.

2.  As he was standing outside, he looked twice at his watch.

3.  After he had waited five minutes, he continued along Oxford Street to Hyde Park.

4.  He ate a sandwich.    He was sitting on a seat    

5.  After he had looked again at the paper, he put it in a litter bin.

6.  He left the park and stood at the side of the road.

7.  He ran into the road and stopped a taxi.

Activity A

Using the pictures on the right, write two more sentences saying what the man did next.

Activity B

Write about a journey you have made recently or about a walk In the country. Include sentences like Walking through the wood, we saw a fox or Having filled up with petrol, we set off.


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