
 Wendy and Diane are talking about how much help they get from their husbands with the housework. Complete the conversation by putting the verbs in brackets into the -ing form. Put the in front of the -ing form where necessary

Wendy Mike’s not much good around the house. Do you get any help from Paul?

      Diane Yes, he doesn’t mind (help) usually.

Wendy Mike sometimes does (shop), but that’s all, really. I have to do all (clean) of course.

      Diane Paul does (iron) quite often — that’s a great help, because I hate (iron). And he’s a very good cook. He usually does (cook) at weekends. We both enjoy (cook), in fact.

Wendy I like (cook) too, but Mike’s no good at it. I do (cook) in our house. And I do all (wash). Mike doesn’t even know how to use the washing-machine!


Talk to a partner. Say what jobs you do (or don’t do) around the house. Say if you like doing them.


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