
 There were lots of things wrong with David's car, so he took it to Crook’s Garage for repairs. But the garage didn’t do the work properly, so David went back next day. Put in Mr Crook’s sentences, using the emphatic form.


David You haven’t done the work.

      Mr Crook w© have done it, We did everything.

David You didn’t check the brakes.

      Mr Crook We did check them, you know.

David The car doesn’t feel safe.

      Mr Crook It.... There’s nothing wrong with it.

David The lights don’t work.

Mr Crook ... . We mended them.

David You didn’t replace the front tyres.

      Mr Crook .... I remember doing it.

David The back doors won’t open.

      Mr Crook .... you know.

David And the heater doesn’t work.

      Mr Crook .... We checked it.

David But you didn’t check the battery.

      Mr Crook Yes,.... The battery is OK.

David Anyway, the bill isn't correct.

      Mr Crook .... I wrote it myself.

David You don't know what you’re talking about.

      Mr Crook .... Repairing cars is our business.


Agree or disagree with these statements:

   Smoking doesn’t do you any harm.

   Women can’t do important jobs.

   Exams don’t matter- learning is the important thing.


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