

Mike has the chance of a very good job in London. He and Wendy are discussing whether they should move from Milchester. Complete the conversation by putting in the comparative or superlative of each adjective in brackets.


Wendy I think we should go. You’ll get a (high) salary with Multitech than you do now, and we’ll have a (good) standard of living.

      Mike Don’t forget LonDon is the (expensive) place we could possibly go to. For example, house prices are the (high) in the country. A house will be (difficult) to find there than in Milchester.

Wendy But it’s probably the (big) chance you’ll ever get. That’s the (important) thing. And it’ll be (easy) for me to find a good job than it was here.

      Mike London is a (big) place than Milchester. Life won’t be so quiet.

Wendy Well, I’d like a (exciting) life. It is a bit boring here sometimes. And it’ll be much (convenient) for shops and theatres, living in London. You’ve never really liked your job here. And things have got (bad) recently.

      Mike Yes, they have. And Multitech is certainly one of the (good) companies in the business. But I don’t want to go unless you really want to.

Activity A

Say in what way these things are record breakers: Everest, the Soviet Union, Antarctica, gold, football.

Activity B

Write a few sentences comparing town life and country life.


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