
 Magundian soldiers have entered Bingozi, a part of Silonia where a lot of Magundians live. The newspapers are reporting what the Magundians and Silonians are saying. Write down the sentences using have suggested, have advised etc.


Magundl Would you like US to sign a peace agreement?

The Magundians have offered to sign a peace agreement.

1   Siionia We aren’t going to give away Bingozi. It’s quite out of the question.

2   Magundl We will give full rights to Silonians in Bingozi.

3   Silonia You had better think again.

4   Magundi Why don’t we meet for discussions?

5   Sllonla You can expect trouble, we’re warning you.

6   Magundl Would you like to come to Magundi to discuss the problem?

7   Sllonla If you do not leave Bingozi, we will start a war.

8   Magundl It’s absolutely essential that we look after our people in Bingozi.


If you bought a second-hand car that broke down next day and needed expensive repairs, you would probably go back and speak to the salesman you bought it from What should the salesman offer to do? If the salesman was dishonest, what would he do? What would you do if the salesman didn’t want to do anything? Have you any suggestions or advice for people buying second-hand cars?


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