

Find the right explanation for each of the twelve words below. Write a sentence with a relative clause to explain the meaning. Use who, which or that, or leave out the pronoun. (Sometimes there is more than one correct answer.)


A butcher is someone who sells meat.

A stamp is something you put on a letter.

Gloves are things that you wear on your hands.

A saucer is something you put a cup on.


1. socks    He/She sells fruit and vegetables.

2. a briefcase       You use them to row a boat.

3. a greengrocer  It heats water.

4. a present          You wear them on your feet.

5. a kettle  You try to hit it.

6. soap      You carry papers in it.

7. a target It keeps the rain off you.

8. an artist            You give it to someone.

9. a seat    You can see yourself in it.

10. an umbrella   You sit on it.

11. oars    You wash with it.

12. a mirror          He/She paints pictures.


Activity A

Try to explain the meaning of these words: needle, mechanic, shampoo, sugar, brake, key.

Activity B

Ask the other students e.g. What do you call a person who cuts your hair? What’s a thing you cut wood with?They have to find the answers.


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